The Office of the Supreme Leader

Anti-hegemony struggle is not over

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei assured a large gathering of school and university students Wednesday that the country is marching towards a bright future, adding however that the path of national dignity and grandeur would be covered by faith and creative knowledge as well as the nation-government un animity.

Ayatollah Khamenei marked the historical events taken place on Nov 4 over years, including the 1965 sending to exile of Imam Khomeini by the ousted Pahlavid regime following his landmark speech against a ratification that stipulated judicial immunity for American nations as well as the tragic murders of school students in Tehran by US mercenaries in 1978.

"The revolutionary and enthusiastic youths however delivered a tough response to the bullying US government by their Nov 4, 1979 conquering of its embassy which had already turned into a center for espionage," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader said the nations would determine their fate either by submission to bully or by standing up to the domineering powers, adding that the Iranian nation chose the latter and dealt a hard slap to the domineering American government when the Islamic Revolution was triumphed by the leadership of Imam Khomeini after years of US bully and humiliation.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the struggle against the Global Hegemony is not over, adding that the arrogant powers never simply quit the battle. "However, they will also make no advance in the face of the will of a nation."

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the costs the Iranian nation has ever incurred to gain independence and dignity, not least the Eight Years of Sacred Defense (1980-8) against the Western-backed Saddam Hussein invasion of Iran, adding that the Iranian nation has achieved a sublime position by passing through those events.

"Today, the Iranian nation and the Iranian youths have provided a source of inspiration for the world of Islam and many other countries. The position of the Islamic Iran is no longer comparable to past," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the university students to enhance their spiritual and mental qualities and hold firm to the path of scientific innovation. The IR Leader tapped the back of various research groups in university and schools, of any name or title, and urged their associates to promote their activities.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the untiring efforts of the scientific folds construct an authentic Basij for the nation. The IR Leader defined Basij as the responsible effort of every Iranian in the path of independence and development of the country.

"Public Basij then would be the sustainable readiness of the people, especially the youths and the authorities, for the prideful path whose outcome would be to render the country and the nation invulnerable," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then turned to the recent advances of the Iranian nation in different spheres, especially in nuclear science and said that the world arrogant powers, mainly America, have played discontent in the nuclear issue because they are against the progress and scientific strength of the Iranian nation.

"Scientific strength would help enhance confidence and faith in a nation so that it would no longer be downtrodden," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei also rejected as shear lie the White House allegations, hyped by US media, that 'Iran plays some role in the killings of American troops in Iraq.'

"This is the myopic policies of America that has led to the killings of its military forces. Even its own people have questioned the American government over those policies. However, it cast the blame on Iran because it has no answer to provide," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

"The nations too have realized. For that reason, everywhere the American authorities tour they face massive protests from people. This helps show that the arrogance has been isolated and debunked," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that the boldness and awareness of the nations is a tribute to the standing up and resistance of the Iranian nation, especially the Iranian youths.

"They held fast to the truth and the God conferred its blessings."
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