The Office of the Supreme Leader

Azerbaijan keeps solid towards provocations

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei urged the visiting Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev Tuesday evening that the two countries of Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Azerbaijan are expected to deepen their ties beyond the present levels especially considering the common culture, history and religion they share.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on oil and gas sectors as two grounds on which the two sides can broaden their bilateral relations.

The IR Leader expressed consent over the favorable outcomes of the summit of the Caspian Sea littoral states held earlier in the day, adding that as much the Caspian Sea's littoral states broaden their mutual relations, especially in economy, they serve the interests of all the five littoral states.

Concerning a dissent kept by ultra-regional powers as well as the world Zionists towards the cordial relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Azerbaijan, Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Azeri President to be wary of such provocations, noting however that the political resolve of the Azeri government did point to its solid position against the dissenters.

Ilham Aliyev for his part expressed deep pleasure with the meeting. The Azeri President described Tehran talks and the final statement of Tehran summit as excellent.

"Azerbaijan officials have an unwavering will to expand their fraternal relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Azri government is fully vigilant against the provocations of the dissenters of ties between the two countries," Aliyev affirmed.

The Azeri President called the joint statement of Tehran Summit a great accomplishment, adding that the statement would help bring the five littoral states closer to each other.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was also attending the meeting.
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