The Office of the Supreme Leader

Great causes never materialize in the short run

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Tuesday evening received hundreds of top university students and activists, appreciating the academic fold over its recent lively effort to raise and pursue their claims in social, academic and political spheres.

Ayatollah Khamenei told the fasting students that their burgeoning social effort was imperative, adding that their continuous and rational follow-ups would secure a bright future for the university surrounding.

"I have always noted that we have to fear a day when our youths and our students may find no motivation to raise questions. By God's assistance today the case is not so," Ayatollah Khamenei commended, urging for further expansion of the spirit among the youths, especially the university students.

Ayatollah Khamenei reminded the students of the reality that not all the claims could be satisfied in the short run taking into account the constraints facing the current capacities and facilities.

"Great causes never materialize in the short term. Nevertheless, a balanced and rational pursuit of demands helps draw bright prospects for our universities," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

"Indeed your pursuits will bear fruits. In the past years too if the faithful and responsible university youths had not hoisted the flag of justice in society the trend of developments or the electoral choice would have not been led to the coming to power of a justice-seeking government nor the dominance of justice discourse in society," the IR Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei however urged the audience to make their claims more viable by providing executive mechanisms and by assisting the relevant bodies to realize those expectations.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the students to extend their follow-ups to their post-academic career.

To guarantee the spirit in discussion in the academic surrounding, Ayatolllah Khamenei proposed an academic scheme be prepared to raise political elites.

"The media must vigorously present scientific, social and political elites. Apart from that, the university associations are expected to expand the atmosphere of debate and reason by raising political elites," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"They (the university associations) are expected to solidify the politico-intellectual base of the students and bolster their hopes so that in the years to come the ground will let the students to breathe in the same atmosphere and move in the path of sublime objectives and aspirations," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei viewed it as natural to criticize and question all the authorities, no matter whom.

"The authorities must not be dealt with enmity. The idea however does not necessarily implies not criticizing or questioning the different authorities including the leader," Ayatollah Khamenei underlined, adding that criticism can accompany friendliness.

In the same context, Ayatollah Khamenei confirmed that one who does not hold belief in some matter does not necessarily constitute an antagonist in that regard.

Ayatollah Khamenei also rejected the claims that 'the leader had made some remarks in some private official meetings inconsistent with his public statements.'

"If on some grounds, including the enemy's knowledge, it is not deemed appropriate to make some statement, neither the statement nor its reverse will be made. So my statements are those made in different meetings with the people or the authorities," Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out.

Ayatollah Khamenei then affirmed that the call to support the Ahmadinejad Administration does not necessarily translate into being approved of its whole performance.

"The serving administration is indeed a hundred percent trustworthy. However, it does not mean that the leader knows all the details of its performance or is approved of them all," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

"It is neither imperative nor possible for the leader to know all the details of the activities of all the bodies or ministries. There is no reason the leader enter every executive sphere around because the scopes and responsibilities are already specified," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader concluded his remarks by urging the students and the academic surrounding to realize the public and the leader's expectations from them, mainly progress of political knowledge, deepening of religious thought and faith, expanding of religious enlightening and breaking of the boundaries in the field of science, politics and faith.

"The Divine creation entails the triumph of truth. Wherever there is faith and diligence, there is advance and victory too. For the same reason, we keep hope in the future of our universities," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

In the beginning of the meeting, several top students as well as representatives of different student associations expressed their views regarding various academic, scientific, cultural, social or political issues.

At the end of the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei led a congregation of dusk prayers and then the students broke their fast alongside him.
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