The Office of the Supreme Leader

Noble moral traits are solidifying in society

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei called on the executive body Sunday evening to enhance noble moral traits in society through a vigorous nurturing scheme.

As frame of reference, Ayatollah Khamenei made mention of the recommendations of the Master of the Faithful, Hazrat Ali (greeting to him) to his son, Imam Hassan (greeting to him).

"The honorable Imam viewed wisdom as the singlemost source of self-sufficiency for human being whereas diversion from wisdom as biggest deficiency. He urged avoiding self-assertion or making friendship with the ignorant, the misers, the sinful or the liars," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader quoted Imam Ali's recommendations regarding social morality, adding however that noble moral traits are more than just developing positive relationship with others but also serve such acclaimed traits as patience, remission, gratitude, benevolence, fairness, compassion to subordinates, bravery, and no-deviations mood.

Ayatollah Khamenei underscored the need to exercise prudence in handling national affairs, adding that the concept would have been misperceived if some authorities had given up great jobs and reduced the pace of work.

"Wisdom sometimes calls for a slow and mild trend whereas sometimes it requires quick job and resolute measure," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei considered greed, physical gratifications, anger, and self-absorption as adversaries to wisdom and alerted the authorities to be wary of those large traps.

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei commended the ever-growing spiritual tendencies in society, especially in the youth, as the miracle of the Islamic Revolution and an undeniable reality.

"The inclination of the young generation to worship and humility to lord is a Divine phenomenon and a revolutionary fruit," Ayatollah Khamenei said, urging for vigorous schemes to help the next generations to take the tendency as convention.

The Islamic Revolution Leader noted that the regenerative growth was a tribute to the muted diligence of some individuals in the past.

The IR Leader assigned the relevant authorities to undertake untiring and harmonious efforts to enhance the mood in the next generations, adding that the ground was further prepared to that effect after the President Ahmadinejad Administration declared a platform of spiritual and revolutionary values.

Ayatollah Khamenei then singled out several governmental bodies for undertaking the spiritual promotion in a joint effort. They included the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, the Islamic Propagation Organization, the Ministry of Science and Research and Technology, and finally the Ministry of Education.

The IR Leader then turned to the case of wisdom in politics, urging the people and authorities to beware the enemy's double-dealing.

"We need not be scared of the enemy. At the same time we must not mistake it for a pushover. The wisdom and prudence require one to guard against enemy ambushes in different economic, cultural or social contexts," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"All bodies are responsible in this regard. However, based on the Constitution the Administration and the President per se bear the responsibility to coordinate the bodies," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

In the beginning of the meeting, President Mhamoud Ahmadinejad appreciated the Iranian nation for "their ever-solidifying moral traits which reflect wishes of other nations and presents them an example."

The President then delivered a report on the latest cultural schemes adopted by his Administration.

At the end of the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei led a congregation of dusk prayers and then the members of the Administration broke their fast alongside him.
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