The Office of the Supreme Leader

Intensive research, imperative to frame national-Islamic identity of Iran

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei solemnly averred to a hundreds-strong convention of academics Monday that intensive research is intrinsic to frame the national-Islamic identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Ayatollah Khamenei hailed the meeting, staged once every year in his presence, as a context in which to homage the national folks of research and development, adding that the get-together by helping collect the views and proposals of the professors and researchers will provide back-up to the decision-makers in the government to adopt well-thought policies to push forward tertiary education.

Ayatollah Khamenei recalled the proud Iranian historical civilization, adding that the Iranian nation would have reposed the summit of science in the world today had it maintained the same pace of progress as that of the early post-Islamic period in Iran.

"Nonetheless on an array of grounds the country was dragged back in science. The enormous loss must be salvaged under the auspices of the current-time efficient government as well as the aware mood of the nation and the moderation of the elite," the IR Leader urged.

Ayatollah Khamenei underscored the 20-Year Vision plan, prepared as the macro-policy of the country, as the productive instruction for the progress of Iran.

The IR Leader urged all the authorities to map out the executive procedures for the fulfillment of the objectives enshrined in the plan, especially the clause which stipulates the near term transformation of Iran into an inspiring scientific hub in the region and the world.

In the same context, Ayatollah Khamenei placed a premium on an awaited-for comprehensive map for the scientific progress of the country, noting that no dilatory approach is excused in this regard.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the national Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution to fulfill the job on fast-track by sharing the elite brain so that the universities could devise academic agenda on a quicker pace.

The Islamic Revolution Leader urged the universities to optimize their spending of the allocated budget, urging the relevant authorities to note that research takes pride of place.

Ayatollah Khamenei described researching as feedstock for the national educational sectors.

The IR Leader issued alert that unless research matters receive due heed, the country will remain dependent on foreign sources of knowledge and subsequently academic dependence will persist.

"We, off course, will be in exchanges with every scientific center in the world and as stated earlier feel no qualms of making scientific enquiries. However, we do not desire to serve as student or disciple forever. We would like to attain a position where we produce our mark in the scientific exchanges," the IR Leader affirmed.

Ayatollah Khamenei then laid out the essentiality of enhanced religious thought in the academic surrounding, putting the major task in that regard on the shoulders of his delegates in the universities.

"The university authorities bear a few undertakings in promoting religion in university surrounding. Nevertheless the main responsibility lies with the Alims in the representative offices," Ayatollah Khamenei said, urging the delegates, known as representatives of Vali-e Faqih in universities, to promote a novel, profound and reasoned religious thought which can win hearts and convince minds.

"A strong logic and confidence in the solid Islamic logic can help absorb the hearts. A recent good case took place in Columbia University," Ayatollah Khamenei said, referring to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech and attitude in the New York-based university last week where he was thoughtful and considerate towards the insulting behavior of the guardians of the university.

"The whole media were mobilized and coupled with the regretful and non-academic behavior of the dean of Columbia University with the aim of making the President angry or push him to defensive so that they could produce a hook for their propaganda hype. Nevertheless, in God's Will, the confident application of religious logic reversed the situation and the audience too were approved of the logic," Ayatollah Khamenei said of the preparations of the American authorities in the university.

"What was laid out in the meeting will keep popular in the minds of the participating students and in the academic surrounding there. It will breed many questions in their minds."

Ayatollah Khamenei hailed the logic of Islam as attractive to hearts and minds.

The IR Leader singled out "a substantial void of thought in the Western world which Liberal Democracy has proved unable to fill whereas Islam commands novel, attractive and lively ideas in the world of intellect.

Ayatollah Khamenei assigned the Vali-e Faqih delegates to present the strong logic of Islam in the tongue of stundets and urged them to beware any vacuum of thought in the intellectuals and the students.

The Vali-e Faqih urged for improved presentation of religious issues in universities.

"An innovative approach to religious affairs and Islamic thought helps prove its compliance with the governing intellectual parameters. The approach, which rests on Islamic principles, helps understand and unravel newer debates that may emerge in the pass of time. The issue will boost religious thought in the universities," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the academics to adopt a student-rearing attitude, adding that the credibility of an academic person, as the case is in the religious schools, stands tribute to those eminent students he or she may nurtur.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that by a regular attendance, the professors can build a deep relationship with their students, eventually paving the ground to train elite researchers.

In the beginning of the meeting that last for two hours the academics presented their views regarding various research and university affairs.

At the end of the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei led congregational prayers and then the participants broke fast alongside him.
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