The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leadership Assembly of Experts stands essential beacon of the system

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khameni Thursday morning received members of the Leadership Assembly of Experts and highlighted the position and role of the assembly for the Islamic System.

"The public opinion regards the Assembly of Experts as the convention of men of religion, knowledge and piety," Ayatollah Khamenei said, urging the assembly to act in a way that help safeguard its heartfelt credibility.

Ayatollah Khamenei paid homage to the deceased ex-chief of the assembly Ayatollah Ali Mehkini, saying that the presidency of the devout Alim in the assembly was indeed a source of credibility so that he was really missed.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the description by the Master of the Faithful Ali (AS) of the devout Alims is also true of the deceased chief: Disregard of the worldly life, bravery, unequivocalness, timeliness and confident to live up to one's duties.

"The deceased man was in service of Islam and the Revolution by vigor. We are in need of such an attitude at present," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The IR Leader appreciated the assembly for selecting an effective board of chairs, adding that unlike the enemy wish to ruin the position of the assembly in the public mind, it kept a group of veteran revolutionary figures in its administrative board.

Ayatollah Khamenei attributed the supreme position of the assembly to its assignment regarding the system's leadership, saying, "The leadership is the essential beacon of the Islamic System. The Assembly of Expert in its supreme position appoints the essential beacon, the axis of the System, and at time when this beacon suffers disqualifications in terms of leadership requirements it makes it knwon to the public," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the credibility of the assembly in the public mind would remain as strong as ever provided it acts in a way that the people continue to take its decisions as evidence and accept it wishfully, not out of their legal duties.

The IR Leader said the goal would be materialized through the assembly's effectual performance.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the enemies' relentless effort to undermine the assembly and trigger apathy notably in the runup to the fourth elections of the assembly adding that the nation nevertheless forestalled the ploy with its strong turnout.

Ayatollah Khamenei alerted that the enemy is still busy conspiring in this regard.

The Islamic Revolution Leader viewed the western media hype in the past few days when the assembly was staging its annual meeting as another proof that the enemies' malicious acts remain ceaseless.

"The enemies attempted to present the assembly as an establishment which is entangled in partisan inclinations or power feud and then undermine its position in the mind of people by putting the nominees into hoax partisan categories or fan the existing natural political tastes," the IR Leader said.

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the Assembly of Experts is not a power brokering field, but a field of spirituality, service, work for God and effort to safeguard the Revolutionary platform. Ayatolah Khamenei urged all members of the assembly, including its chairs board to take the point and care for their word and attitude so that they could foil the enemy's malicious propaganda.

Ayatollah Khamenei heavily criticized some misbehaving domestic media which joined the foreign media's propaganda against the assembly.

"The Assembly of Experts is a pure convention and a domain of unity which in light of its heavy undertakings could not turn into a ground of feud nevertheless some domestic media in the past two months joined the enemy by phony propaganda. I warn them not to approach the premises of the Assembly of Experts and instead pursue such play of politics in other issues," the IR Leader made clear.

Ayatollah Khamenei then turned to system's affairs and said that the system's achievements are tribute to continued practice of Islamic principles.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined significance of supporting the three branches of the government, not least the Executive Power, adding that the Executive Power shoulders heavier duties.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Executive Power is currently striking a bright record in God's favor and by its confident and untiring effort. The IR Leader expressed hope those efforts would gradually bear fruits in the country.

"The incumbent President (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) is a devout, brave, decent, super-active, and persevering man which is steadfast towards the principles. All of us are duty-bound to support the three Branches of Government, especially the Administrative and the President per se," Ayatollah Khamenei acclaimed.

The Islamic Revolution Leader touched on the enemy's ceaseless threats, adding that the Iranian nation in the course of the post-revolutionary years has always been subject to the malice of the world arrogance nonetheless has stood up to every plot and thereby if the country is to be categorized according to partisan inclinations it should follow the dichotomy of truth-falsehood face-off and the Islamic System-global arrogance confrontation.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed a prospective future for the country and said the Islamic System is acting confidently in every sort of issue.

"The Iranian nation has always acted upon wisdom, prudence, and bravery. Today as ever it will continue its advancing move in the same manner," the IR Leader vowed.

Ayatollah Khamenei then termed Islamic Harmony (his proposed motto for the new Iranian year) as imperative for the Islamic Ummah.

"All Muslim nations and governments must keep Islamic harmony and be wary of the arrogant plots of sowing religious, sectarian or national discords in the world of Islam so that they prove futile," Ayatollah Khamenei said.
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