The Office of the Supreme Leader

Iranians deserve to ascend science

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei expressed profound hope about a burgeoning scientific drive by the young Iranian elites, adding that the blessed movement will reach its destination with the favor of God and helps materialize the sublime aspirations of the Iranian nation.

Addressing a hundreds-strong college of students who have stood podium in major domestic and international scientific occasions, Ayatollah Khamenei described the burgeoning drive as a double necessity taking into account the historical backwardness which befell the nation under the rule of despotic or puppet regimes since the Qajar era until the Islamic Revolution changed the situation.

"If a country wishes dignity, sovereignty, independence, identity, security and welfare, it must be able scientifically. This undeniable reality makes the natural trend of human life," the IR Leader said to provide another motivation for the drive.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the bitter ordeal that the Iranian nation suffered after it was made to lag behind the world scientific caravan during the past hundred years, adding that even though the country enjoys better conditions than past thank to the Islamic Revolution and though Iran presently enjoys an unprecedented dignity in the world, there is a long way ahead to make up for the backward trend.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that power requires science and attributed the bullying mood of some Western countries, including America to their scientific strength.

"A clear example of such a bullying mood has come against the nuclear issue and the technological ability of the young Iranian experts in the discipline. These countries say 'because we have no trust in you, you should not possess the technology," Ayatollah Khamenei noted in the same regard.

"The people make the utterance to us who waged two world wars in the course of twenty years and applied their military force wherever they could. Their crimes in Hiroshima, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Kosovo stand samples of their attitude and performance," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran has never initiated an aggression or military attack in the past 28 years, adding that the Iranian nation withstands and will withstand the bullies and by no means yields to intimidation in the nuclear issue or other issues.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said there was a lesson in the imperious treatment by America and some other Western countries of the other nations, adding that those countries because of their scientific might let themselves intimidate others in the international scene and for the same reason the Iranians must equip themselves with science to stand up to their intimidation.

"The consciousness of anyone who is interested in country' nation, religion and identity would not allow him or her to treat the issue with indifference. This has motivated me in the recent years to make a constant call for a scientific movement in the country," Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out.

Ayatollah Khamenei made mention of the prideful Iranian history in raising up elite figures and eminent scientists in different disciplines, adding that considering its vast treasure trove of talents, the Iranian nation enjoys the potentials to ascend in science and pursue science to serve humanity unlike the wish of the Western countries.

The IR leader touched on a strong recommendation on the part of Islam for serving humanity, justice, peace and security, adding that due to their disregard of spirituality and God and instead their reliance on capitalism and deviated science, some Western countries, America atop, are abusing their scientific power to wage war and bloodshed.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on recent remarks by the American President and called them hateful, violent and arrogant.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution has never been intimidated by international frowns. The Iranian nation will bring down these arrogant, drunken powers through an artful, wise way," Ayatollah Khamenei promised.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed the idiotic arrogance of America and some Western countries as a cause for their collapse, adding that the powers are dipping more and more in their self-created mire due to their arrogance and whimsical trend and will collapse at last.

Ayatollah Khamenei recommended the President Ahmadinejad Administration to take note of scientific growth in its macro policies. The IR Leader urged the elites too to strive diligently and live up to their national and historical role in the scientific movement.

"The target is this: The Iranian nation and Iran must reach such levels of ability that it stands as scientific reference for the world so that every researcher or scientist who looks for latest scientific achievements find him or herself in need of learning Persian language," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

The IR Leader placed a premium on the case of national scientific map and said that the prospective map must single out the position of various sciences, needed enrollees as well as their gender and geographical distribution.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the national scientific circles to render researches and inventions applicable.

Ayatollah Khamenei concluded by calling on the elite students to avoid vain. The IR Leader also urged the elite students to exercise love in their country and soil, live up to their Islamic duties towards their parents as well as veteran researchers, and drive afar translation-revolving scientific inquiries.

At the end of the meeting Ayatollah Khamenei led congregational prayers. The studnets then sat guests to a luncheon ceremony.
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