The Office of the Supreme Leader

Force of right will eventually win

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with the guests and organizers of the fourth meeting of the World Assembly of Ahl-ul Beit (The Household of Hazrat Mohammad, greetings to them) Sunday pointed out that the assembly is primarily commissioned to disseminate genuine Islamic teachings by an immaculate presentation of the thoughts of The Household and singling out of the needs and requirements of the world of Islam.

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the ever-growing ebullience and awakening of the Muslims and said that the force of right will eventually win the battle with the force of falsehood, whose current time incarnate is the tier of world arrogant powers.

Ayatollah Khamenei renewed alert about the old and perilous conspiracy of making divide among Islamic denominations and called Britain the veteran conspirator in this regard, noting that at present more conspirators have joined the country to divide the Muslim people.

"Unity of Muslims and formation of a united Islamic ummah prove a source of massive threat and concern for the covetous arrogant powers thereby besides Britain, the intelligence bodies of America and Zionists are exhausting every means to stymie the unity of Muslims," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei reminded the expansion of fine Islamic platform following the Islamic Revolution in Iran and called it another source of concern for the force of arrogance.

The IR Leader pointed out that another source of concern for the arrogant powers rests in the expansion of such version of Islam from Iran which promotes independence, dignity and jihad while countering alien dominance.

"Hence the enemies urgently seek to stir difference between Iran and other Islamic countries," Ayatollah Khamenei concluded.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the ongoing broad propaganda against the Islamic system as well as against the thoughts of The Household, adding that despite all these propagandas, the platform of Iran's Islamic Revolution has stretched to every spot in the world of Islam so that the scales of Muslim awakening in the past twenty years never match those of the current time.

Ayatollah Khamenei also made a similar distinction regarding the scale of achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent time, adding that at the other end of the scale America has been through a weakening trend so that it no longer enjoys its previous grandeur and power.

"Moreover, America and its acolytes are presently in throes of mires and plunge more as time elapses so that a menace-laden future waits for them," the Islamic Revolution Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged Muslims to take the realities and at the same time avoid complacency, adding that the evidence and realities on the ground point to the fact that under the natural trend of the Divine Rules, the force of falsehood, masterminded by America will indeed concede defeat in its current battle with the force of right and Islamic awakening.

The IR Leader noted that the conferment of Divine Blessing and Assistance on the faithful is subject to their effort and diligence, adding that all Muslims must took responsibility and make untiring effort to enhance their relationship and unity.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on some narrow-minded ill wills towards the followers of The Household, greetings to them, and assigned the assembly to undertake an embracing effort to satisfy the needs of the world of Islam to true Islamic teachings.

"The call of the followers of The Household is unity, dignity and sagacious life," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"True Islamic teachings, manifested in the thoughts of The Household actually call for spirituality minus seclusion plus politics, mysticism coupled with social activities as well as self-humility towards God coupled with jihad. Today, the whole world thirsts for such an approach towards spirituality," the IR Leader added.

Sunday marked the birth anniversary of the sixth member of The Household, Imam Sajjad (PBUH) whose landmark supplications to God have gathered in a book titled Sahifeh Sajjadieh.

Ayatollah Khamenei called the book an abstract of the thoughts of The Household.

"Sahifeh Sajjadieh is the book of mystic and sagacious life," Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

Ayatollah Khamenei called on the followers of The Household to delve into their immaculate thoughts and prevent superstitions and fakeries from mingling with them.

"A primary mission now is to safeguard the Islamic teachings against superstitions. To that effect, the Alims and elites must block the way to superstitions by making awareness about the true thoughts of The Household," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.
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