The Office of the Supreme Leader

Humanity in dire need of Islamic teachings

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Saturday morning extended congratulations to the Iranian nation, the great Islamic ummah and the human community over the auspicious anniversary of the Divine Assignment of the Last messenger of Allah Hazrat Mohammad, greetings to him.

Ayatollah Khamenei invoked the spiritual attachment of the entire Muslim community to the Last Messenger and called for the Islamic ummah to get united around the axis of the Messenger of Compassion and block the way to the divisive ploys of the enemies of Islam.

In the meeting, also attended by ambassadors of the Islamic countries in Tehran, Ayatollah Khamenei outlined the eminent points of the Last Divine Mission as knowledge, edification of soul and fair attitude.

The IR Leader pointed to the ordeals befallen on the human community and said that the man at present lives in the direst need to the teachings of the Divine Messengers and that all these teachings have gathered in Islam and the Koran.

The IR Leader deplored that the human community lags in spiritual knowledge. Ayatollah Khamenei attributed the woes of the present world to the fact that the human runs afar ethical values.

"All nations, especially their authorities and elites direly constitute an audience of the Islamic invite to spiritual edification, affection and fair attitude," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed establishment of justice as the ever-present need of human being for which the Divine Messengers have been commissioned.

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the establishment of Islamic community in Iran and said that the three eminent points outlined above form the platform of the Iranian nation, urging the people and authorities to strive more than ever to realize the goal.

Ayatollah Khamenei acclaimed the platform as conducive to taste any achievement following the Islamic revolution 28 years ago.

"Any move to quit the Islamic platform which can follow an entrapment in different reservations or being dazzled by the current material schools of thought will indeed translate into a setback," the IR Leader cautioned.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the human community suffers two major ordeals, first, a disguised path presented as the way of salvation and second, the rule of the most corrupt persons in the world over the global affairs.

"Today the most corrupt persons have kept up the flag of reforms in the world. The wicked and arrogant America which peruses to impose its totalitarian rule over the entire human community, accuses Islam of terrorism and fanaticism while itself produces oppression towards the Islamic nations and exports terror, corruption and bloodshed," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the remedy to the ordeals and ailments of the Islamic nations rests in their return to Islamic identity and an occurrence of inspirational sedulity on the part of the Muslim authorities.

"The Islamic umamh cherishes the blessed existence of the Koran and the illuminant Islamic statute. It can stand against any destructive waves under the auspices of the teachings of the Last Messenger," the IR Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed regret about the anguishes and ordeals of the Muslims in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

"The Muslim world today suffers wounds. Those corrupts who feel enmity towards the very existence of the Islamic ummah are bent on to pit different portions of the Islamic world against each other through provocation and stir of sectarian differences, presented in such dichotomies as Shii-Sunni or Arab-non-Arab," Ayatollah Khamenei warned.

The Islamic Revolution Leader called unity and harmony as the genuine need of the Islamic ummah.

The IR Leader touched on the abundant potentialities in the world of Islam, saying, "The dear Islam, as the unique receipt of salvation of the nations is in the service of the Islamic ummah. The hearts of all Muslim people brim with affection for the Seal of the Messengers. The Islamic ummah can tread the path of salvation and sublimity and counter the enemies of God by getting united around the axis of the bountiful Messenger of Islam."
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