The Office of the Supreme Leader

Imam Ali, never-setting sun of human history

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Saturday acclaimed the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali, greeting to him, as the bright and never-setting sun of human history and the immense ocean of wonders and beauties.

"The lifestyle of the Commander of the Faithful is characterized by seeking justice, keeping faith and standing up to the tyrants and oppressors," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that the road to the great aspirations of the Iranian nation passes through perseverance.

The Islamic Revolution Leader extended felicitations to the Islamic Ummah on the auspicious birth anniversary of the Honorable Imam, noting that Imam Ali belongs to human being.

"This is the great personality of his eminence that has made every Muslim, either Shii or Sunni, every follower of the Divine religions and even his enemies to exercise a humble attitude towards him," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that the dimensions of the great ocean of Imam Ali's personality is not amenable to understanding, save for the immaculate household of the noblest messenger of Allah, greeting to them.

"Whatever the human being could realize about the Commander of the Faithful merely covers the surface of the profound ocean of his personality so that the depth of the intricate ocean remains out of access even for the wise," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said every period of Imam Ali's life provides a fine example for the salvation of man.

"Ali Ibn Abi Talib has turned into a fine model in every period of human life due to his conduct as a teen, as a young man, at time of mass Muslim immigration (following enemy pressure), during the formation of the Islamic ruling, in his 25 years of silence following the departure of the Messenger to secure Muslim integrity as well as in his unwavering drive for justice throughout his ruling," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said Imam Ali's character is marked with perseverance in the path of God, avoidance of disconcertion in the face of blames and unwavering effort to administer justice.

"Ali is characterized by treading the path of God and thereby Shia is the one who besides showing affection and homage to the Commander of the Faithful, moves in the his path," Ayatollah Khamenei noted, adding that praising the honorable Imam and keeping heartfelt affection toward His Eminence will bear no fruit and would fail to gain his approval unless his path is trod.

Ayatollah Khamenei called the Islamic Republic as, though incomplete, a manifestation of Imam Ali's aspirations, adding that the Islamic System is identified with justice seeking as well as campaign against tyranny and discrimination and for the same reason the masters of wealth and force who trample on the humanity in the guise of democracy are at loggerhead with the Islamic Republic.

The Islamic Revolution Leader said the Islamic Republic reflects the path of Imam Ali by standing against the network of Zionists and global tyrants, adding that the Iranian people will stay the course of justice by keeping faith in the aspirations of Imam Khomeini, the Departed and by standing against bullying enemies and in doing so they will help the Islamic Republic to growingly assimilate the model idea.

The IR Leader viewed the Zionist regime and the American government as the main enemies of the Iranian nation.

In this regard, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to a widening hatred on the part of the nations towards the American regime, adding that at present, despite the failed attempts of enemies of the Islamic System, the Iranian nation enjoys dignity among the Muslim nations.

The IR Leader said that thank to the mottos of justice and philanthropy that never fall from the lip of the Iranian authorities, the Islamic Iran had been treading its path with high spirit and grandeur.
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