The Office of the Supreme Leader

America losing its dreadful face

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei in a meeting with with the visiting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Sunday urged the world independent countries to enhance their might by unity and working together and safeguard their common identity and national interests through hopeful vigor.

Ayatollah Khamenei drew on America's failed attempt to undermine Venezuela or I.R. of Iran and said that the two countries enjoy independent national systems and rely on people and for the same reason their cooperation is natural and must grow further.

Pointing to America's projects to undermine independent countries, the IR Leader said that the domineering superpowers bully other parties from behind their dreadful appearance nevertheless America has lost its dreadful appearance in large part owing to many dysfunctions in its political structure. Ayatollah Khamenei urged for the world independent countries to heed the reality on the ground and expand their cooperation.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged for the implementation of bilateral agreements between the two countries, adding that thank to the existing opportunities, the two sides could promote their cooperation.

During the meeting also attended by President Mhamoud Ahmadinejad, the Venezuela President expressed delight at his renewed visit to Tehran.

Hugo Chavez described the Islamic Republic of Iran as a good model for other countries, adding that numerous mutual agreements between the two countries in oil, gas and petrochemical sectors show that Tehran and Caracas are serious in expanding their mutual relations.

The Venezuelan President touched on the political developments of the recent years in Latin America, namely the coming to power of independent, anti-US governments in several countries across the region and said that the US imperialism is growing feeble so that the independent states have pinned hope in the future.
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