The Office of the Supreme Leader

Ninth Administration refreshed revolutionary platform

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei Saturday gave a ringing vote of confidence to the ninth administration for its performance in domestic and foreign affairs, urging for employment of appropriate planning and management under the 20- Year Vision Plan to smooth the path forward.

Addressing an audience of executive authorities, Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the three branches of power for staging of a joint meeting of executive authorities two days earlier and called for further staging of such sessions.

"The status quo is phenomenal with the administration following a revolutionary platform in its decision making and policy building," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that the ballot of the Iranian people had brought to office such a government whose domi nant attitude is inspired by revolutionary concepts.

"In the past years, some people, even including some of the revolutionary insiders, presumed that the fundamental mottos of the Islamic Revolution namely Islamic dignity, justice, anti-arrogance combat, and poverty removal enjoy little call in air and th eir time is over. Even some people dared treat the mottos insolently. However, the public resolve and coming to power of the Ninth Administration helped refresh the mottos and values," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The IR Leader urged the audience to take advantage of the precious occasion to serve people.

Ayatollah Khameni called for adopting brave, prudent decisions for further development of the country, reminding the audience of the long-drawn despotic rule of the Qajar and Pahlavid dynasties in the country, ensued by persistent problems and compounded by some post-revolutionary mistakes.

"Under such conditions, namely the country's demand for untiring effort coupled with the abundance of talents and sincere and competent forces, brave and prudent measures are needed to remove the problems of the country," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the Ninth Administration for its braveness in adopting measures, not least its brave performance in the case of petrol rationing, calling for the administration to stay the course by taking into account the potential implic ations and considerations.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to a colossal 36 billion euros odd fuel subsidy, adding that a gradual downsizing of the splurge would serve public utilities, job creation, and development of schools and roads.

The IR Leader said criticisms facing the ninth administration are partly sincere and instructed the ninth administration to pay further heed to informing the public about its activities.

"The administration must fix the shortcoming by activating public relations offices in its various sections to furnish people about its different activities via the national airwaves and press through a persuasive language," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

The IR Leader added that some of those criticisms are triggered by insincerity, adding, "There are people on all occasions who when some work is done chunter why it is and when some work misses chunter why it does. These sorts of criticism must not be pa id attention."

Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet for their routine provincial working tours, adding, "It is flabbergasting that how some individuals can question the invaluable measure whereas the provincial tours have helped the administration to closely examine the realities and problems in different points of the country."

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the close examination of the country's fact and realities would produce much more credible results than just picking the written administrative reports for study.

"It is significant that the people of some cities, who simply could not come in contact with an official at director general level, are now able to meet the President first hand," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that the blessed measure must be appropria tely kept until the people pick the fruits.

The Islamic Revolution Leader urged the cabinet to implement duly all the ratifications it had approved during its provincial tours, adding however that in cases where the administration finds some ratification as not feasible, it must openly pass the ma tter to the people and reason so that the people maintain their confidence in the authorities.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic government is responsible for the cultural, moral and scientific growth of the society besides temporal conditions, adding that the administration must promote morality and fine intellectual values in society.

The IR Leader said several sections of the cabinet proves momentous for the assignment, including the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the Ministry of Education and Soul Nurturing, the Ministry of Science, Researches and Technology as well as t he Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Training.

The Islamic Revolution Leader blamed global Zionist network and their agents within world governments for efforts to deviate the Islamic youths from serious matters and scientific growth by making them to play around taking worthless material issues. "Th ough cultural in nature, the anti-network combat must be adopted as a brave political move by the administration," the IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the ongoing social and moral security scheme in the country could be discussed in the same context, urging for the undeviating implementation of the moral undertaking irrespective of the existing uproars.

Ayatollah Khamenei called the campaign against corruption another significant task of the administration, adding that should the combat is adopted within the executive body it would produce greater results than judicial measures.

"Combat against corruption demands sincerity so that any weakness in this regard would prove unproductive," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged for the administration to observe the 20 Year Vision Plan in every decision-making, adding that steady objectives are the key to successful development and that the Five-Year Development Projects must be attuned and implemented w ithin the framework of the Vision Plan.

In another regard, Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the Ninth Administration for its active and productive foreign policy, adding that the Islamic Republic of Iran adopted an offensive stance in the realm of foreign policy and any shift to defensive proves wrongful which unfortunately took place occasionally.

The Islamic Revolution Leader distinguished between the offensive stance and policy of mongering of war with the world.

"Offensive stance means a policy of making claims as the Islamic Republic of Iran have many claims to settle with the present world. The Islamic Republic of Iran has many questions from the so-called modern world regarding arrogance, woman issue, interna l conflicts, arms proliferation, WMD proliferation, and spread of secularism and vice," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the stance embodies claims of a live nation in the face of an offending world which disseminates falsified policies, adding that the Islamic Republic of Iran had been practicing an offensive stance in many issues.

Pointing to the distortion by the arrogant world of the realities, Ayatollah Khamenei said that while the American government has faced high-riding hate of the world of Islam and for the same reason has failed in many regional matters, including the Iraq i issue, it tries to shift the blame to other parties.

"The Americans, instead of paying attention to the origin of the failure which is the hate of the Islamic nations and the resulting non-cooperation, distort the question and point their finger at the Islamic Republic of Iran, showing that the senior auth orities of a big world power have been wrong in their policies and perceptions and so moved to churn baseless remarks," the IR Leader said.

"There is no doubt that the Iranian nation and government keep hatred towards the American government, however the root of America's problems lies elsewhere," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Concerning the Iranian nuclear program, Ayatollah Khamenei reaffirmed that the Iranian nation will bravely pursue what is right, irrespective of hue and cry.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the authorities to avoid wasting their time by political bickering, adding that the opportunity on the ground must be taken especially regarding the fact that the fate of he country and the world of Islam is in hand of the servin g association.

He urged the authorities to provide a spiritual reserve for their other world by divine intention and honest service to people.
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