The Office of the Supreme Leader

Let us put on attire of service

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei urged Tehran's Mayor, his assistants as well as members of the Islamic Municipal Council Monday to focus on both body and soul of the mega city and heed cultural and religious values in their services to people.

"The municipal body and the mayoral corporation must exercise a cozy interaction and harmonize their performance with one another as well as with the executive bodies when fixing the main problems of Tehran mega city," the IR Leader urged.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised the outgoing members of the municipal council as well as the reinstated mayor of the capital for their performance.

The IR Leader then outlined the most acute issues of the mega city as decrepit structures, city boundaries, public transportation, environment, housing, and supervision of development.

In the same regard, the IR Leader told the incoming authorities they were expected to put on a serious resolve to bring the relevant bodies into harmonious step and fix the existing problems, not least the transportation and traffic.

Concerning the city boundaries, the Islamic Revolution Leader instructed the audience to specify the limits of the mega city and prevent any unfettered development by opportunists. The honorable also called for necessary measures to insulate natural reserves from destruction, adding that in so doing, tangible outcomes must come about and the mere official reports does not suffice.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged for serious supervision of high-rise development until it follows its due course, adding that the soul of the city must also be heeded alongside its body.

"Cultural issues are of importance in every city not least Tehran as the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is of note that our culture is the culture of the Islamic Revolution and religious values," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei made mention of attempts by some people to pull out Islamic Revolution values from society and deviate people from the revolutionary line, adding that the revolutionary and Islamic values must be observed in every cultural affair.

"The objective demands effort, motivation and resolve," the honorable noted.

Concerning the public affairs, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the doors of the municipality must always be open to people, adding that municipalities are always subject to opportunists whereas easy access of people to the municipal administrators will in large part block the way to opportunism.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined unwavering crackdown by municipal administrators against opportunist individuals, urging however for avoiding any sort of rigidity towards the ordinary people.

"The city must be run among others by scientific methods and prominent university researchers," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei then urged the municipal convention to make transparency regarding the municipal funds, protect public money, avoid luxury, and prevent their political inclinations from affecting their performance and services to people.

"Let us put on attire of service and serve people alongside each other," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.
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