The Office of the Supreme Leader

Life of Imam Khomeini the Departed, a matter of Divinity

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei said Saturday that the great lesson of Imam Khomeini the Departed for the authorities, the masses and all the political groups and factions was to move in the right path of the Divinity unwaveringly.

Ayatollah Khamenei delivered the word of advice to a gathering of officials in charge of the 18th commemoration ceremonies of the Departed Imam.

"Any one whose heart throbs for the sake of the revolutionary aspirations and national dignity and progress must put the honorable Imam's piety, sincerity, bravery, reliance on God and adherence to the Revered Islamic Statute before his eyes," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

The IR Leader described the astonishing effect of Imam Khomeini in the human community as a matter of spirituality and Divinity, adding that any natural event loses its luster or effect in the course of time save the Divine events whose sphere, depth and life span increase in the pass of time as regards the story of our beloved Imam.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the ever-livening aspirations and teachings of Imam Khomeini among the Muslim nations provides proof that his movement was Divine.

The IR Leader said the restoration of Islamic identity and values, aversion against bully and antipathy towards the big idol of America and Zionism are among the ever-widening teachings of the Departed Imam in the world of Islam which for their part prove his ever-increasing clout.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the Muslim youths' large enthusiasm in Imam Khomeini as impressive.

"The volume of relentless propaganda of the enemies of Islam about Imam Khomeini is by no means comparable with the volume of promotional propagations nevertheless, as an overall outcome of the politico-propaganda challenge, a young generation has emerged in different countries including in Lebanon and Palestine which though hardly remembers the life or departure of Imam but attracted to the teachings of the honorable has hoisted the flag of Islam in the face of enemies of God and takes pride in the job," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei believed that the secret to Imam Khomeini's Divine attraction and existential magnetism lies in work for the sake of God.

"The honorable departed Imam in every moment of his blessed life only sought to satisfy God. This reality provides a great lesson for today and tomorrow of the nation, the authorities and all the political, social, cultural and economic elites and groups," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader underlined the significance of the ceremonies to commemorate the memory of Imam the Departed and thanked the officials in charge of the undertaking.

"Parallel to efforts to commemorate Imam the Departed, his principles of thought must also be taken into full consideration in every field as set of criteria," Ayatollah Khamenei said, alerting that promoting the name of Imam bereft of his principles of thought is an oppression against him.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the principles of thought and movement of Imam the Departed is crystal-clear. The IR Leader called the Revered Statute a platform for Imam's line.

"Certain people try to put forward such an interpretation of the platform of Islam and revolutionary goals, including religious democracy and Islamic human rights, that well complies with the failed Liberalism or western desires," Ayatollah Khamenei warned, alerting that the drive is deviated from the line of Imam and stands exactly against his platform. The IR Leader urged the audience to be wary about the drive and raise alert about it.

As another principle thought of Imam Khomeini, the IR Leader pointed to his objection to fanaticism accompanied by his full adherence to original Islamic creed.

"Imam was truly against fanaticism, dogmatism or simple mindedness through his open and bright mind. However Imam's innovation in creed was limited to the boundaries of the Islamic statute which is unfortunately not observed by some people who follow their taste in increasing or decreasing the revolutionary principles against the line and path of Imam Khomeini."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that promotion of rightful matters is subject to diligence. The IR Leader urged for unwavering and diligent promotion and expansion of Imam Khomeini's thought by word and deed as wished by the Departed so that his movement keeps ahead in an unwinking manner.
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