The Office of the Supreme Leader

Younger Iranian generation will enjoy a marvelous world

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei eulogized the Iranian younger population as a faithful, exuberant, hopeful, gifted, confident and creative generation urging it to realize that at such a sensitive time in the Iranian history as today in which the great nation of Iran has set for the scientific and prosperous apexes, the generation bears the principal responsibility to architect the immense construction of the nation's civilization.

To a huge audience of the members of School Islamic Associations, Ayatollah Khamenei deplored the dark era of the toppled regime of Pahlavid oppressors in which the Iranian nation was barred from the global progressive trend.

"At that trying era, some prominent personalities who enjoyed awakened consciences helped awaken the young generation and stage Islamic movement by their alert moves until Imam Khomeini (God bless him) could bring a large transformation in the foundation of the country by fielding the young generation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the world's people especially in West towards material values accompanied by the international super powers' efforts to bar human being from the track of spirituality.

"In such a world, the Iranian nation, enjoying both spiritual and material wealth no least ample young talents, has held the flag of spirituality, declaring its wish to help human being to reach prosperity, happiness, welfare, security and independence under the auspices of spirituality and having proved it could."

"The drive mars the tenets of the world of West and throws gauntlet at the global hegemony," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that for the same reason the world superpowers are trying to prevent the Iranian nation from moving ahead through conspiring political or economic ploys, nevertheless the nation will keep it up through its insurmountable resolve.

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the role of the youths in the prosperous national drive and alerted that the enemies focus all their efforts on sullying faith and confidence in the youth to spoil the faithful, vivacious, innovative and exuberant force into slackers.

"Despite all these efforts ensued by few losses, the gains have been ample in recent years so that the country's younger community has come to form a living and faithful society," the IR Leader added however.

Ayatollah Khamenei underscored the prominence of the responsibility of the associations, saying that their members, besides their duty as young members of the progressive society, must act guide to their deviating or aimless peers and to that effect they must improve their faith and morals.

The IR Leader pointed out that for the younger generation, education, morality and sport constitute the three axial elements of success, adding, "by connecting to God, saying attentive prayers, fostering religious insight, exercising good behavior, respecting the parents and their orders, practicing a responsible conduct, making scientific effort, improving wisdom, joining collective drives to serve the people and making physical activities, one could secure a humane identity during the youth time which is the golden time of life and collect lasting provisions for the life and subsequently after-death stage where the genuine life begins."

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the country belongs to the youths and affirmed that the Iranian young generation will indeed enjoy a marvelous world in a not-so-distant future which follows their current time efforts.
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