The Office of the Supreme Leader

Workers community called on to foster production

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei praised the position of workers in economic development and instructed the Administration to sort out worker-investor relationship especially in favor of workers security so as to help the country's economy to pick a quicker flourish through further investment and value-added profits.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the praises and instructions in a thousands-strong gathering of workers who had thronged to mark the eleventh day of the second month of the Iranian calendar which enshrines the World Laborer Day (May 1).

Ayatollah Khamenei in his speech declared Islam's view about labor as per which it regards working as a top-notch merit.

The IR Leader commended the country's worker community for their perseverance to stand by the Islamic System during the past 27 years despite a raft of political conspiracies. "They (workers) never abandoned factory and production even for a moment and that is a great pride for the worker community," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei hailed the workers as devout, considerate, revolutionary and faithful to revolutionary aspirations.

"The worker community is featured by a drive to find solutions to problems from within the framework of the Islamic System whose main characteristic is to assist underprivileged strata and expand justice while West-linked establishments has shown in practice they hold no mercy for workers," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.

Ayatollah Khamenei likened the trio of worker, investor and the Administration to the three sides of a national economic growth triangle.

The IR Leader reaffirmed his statements early on the year that economic growth constitutes a major goal for the nation, adding that any such growth calls for further production under a joint worker-investor-Administration effort which lives up to its own assignments.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined an Islam-championed respect for any investor and his or her capital, adding, "unlike a few failure schools of economy which tend to divide society into two poles and unlike the Western community in which capital owners make a comment or better say act God on every affair, in the Islamic System, respect of investor comes along respect of worker and in this reciprocal effort, every party is entitled to enjoy its fair and just share."

Ayatollah Khamenei assigned the Administration to sort out investor-worker relationship. "The Administration must watch over the affair, lift the two parties from any sort of insecurity and while moving to prevent them from encroaching on one another, extend a larger shgare of its support umbrella over the workers."

The IR Leader acknowledged that domestic products are lagging on quality grounds. "Domestic products may grow in terms of quality and optimization by way of promoting technical and professional training and creating grounds for worker innovation," Ayatollah Khamenei recommended.

The IR Leader rejected a culture of demoting domestic products and promoting foreign products that was all the rage in the pre-Islamic-Revolution era. "For years, it was drummed up in this country that Iranians are not capable of making quality goods; unfortunately remnants of the culture still linger in the country," Ayatollah Khamenei deplored, adding however that the workers can afford to preserve national dignity and reputation with respect to domestic industry by fostering their capabilities.

Issuing alert about enemy efforts to trouble the milieu of affection and understanding among different walks of life in the country, Ayatollah Khamenei added that the enemy had leveled at the unity and cohesion of the powerful and united body of the Iranian nation by trying to aggrandize guild claims and stir up an unhealthy race track on which every party demands concessions only to disrupt concentration and planning affairs of the Administration.

"Not surprisingly then, as this year too was named year of national unity, all the strata and guilds are expected to join a united and solid rank and affectionately transform the country into a healthy ground for service and diligence and expedite the pace of economic growth," Ayatollah Khamenei urged for.

The IR Leader acknowledged that the Iranian nation in the past 27 years has been showing its power and talent, proving that the era of humiliation of the nation is over.

"The independent, dignified and prideful Iranian nation in light of its ample human resources and younger talents feels more capable than ever to move up in a quicker manner," Ayatollah Khamenei underscored.
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