The Office of the Supreme Leader

System Interests Council, a significant advisory body

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Monday hailed the System Interests Council and its subsequent enshrinement in the Constitution as everlasting foresight of Imam Khomeini, may God confer his blessing on him.

Addressing an audience of the head and members of the new term of System Interests Council, Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the position of the council.

The IR Leader called the council an instrumental assembly that enjoys a lofty position, having the elites from different tastes and inclinations on seats and being tasked, in the form of an advisory council, with singling out advisable policies which live up to the systemic principles and Islamic values aimed to help the Three Branches of Power and their subordinate bodies to act on a smoother manner.

Ayatollah Khamenei was grateful about the efforts and services of the council's members, especially Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani's management of the council.

"Progress comes by provided the new term of the council shows a better performance than the previous term. To that effect, methodologies and procedures must be reviewed and newer initiatives must be sought," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah khamenei enumerated the features of the country, including its lively social milieu, its long jump move to make up for the backward parts, as well as the faithful mood of its people, adding that in a society as such, an association like the System Interests Council in light of its mastering of the national laws and regulations, must single out advisable areas when necessary in a way not to infringe on he principles and values or bring about self-triggered hurdles.

Ayatollah Khamenei attached great significance to the task of acknowledging the priorities and lifting them on agenda, adding that the undertaking manifests the high status of the body.

"Accordingly, the composition of the System Interests Council shall be consisted of elites with different inclinations who keep adherence to the Islamic System as well as the heads of Three Branches of Power. This will make the council become an indication of integrity and unity of the Syst em," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei hailed cohesion of the system as a boost, urging the council's members to preserve the integrity in word and deed. "The presence of the seasoned individuals who have become experienced in the course of the post-revolutionary era alongside fresh individuals who are committed to the fundamentals has produced a well-treated composition in the council," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei called on the members of the council to put the priorities ahead of their political inclinations, keep abreast of time and review certain policies by taking into account the ongoing situation and immediate issues.

"The System Interests Council must set up wider contact with the elites and thinkers in the university and the seminary to take their views into consideration in different discussions," the IR Leader said.

"A significant tip to pick is to compile the supportive arguments underlying the council's approved policies so as to be used as legal reference in the future," the IR Leader urged.

Ayatollah khamenei urged all state bodies to regard the policies approved by the council as platform for the planning, adding the country enjoys favorable conditions and an extraordinary period of movement in terms of scientific, social and cultural matters.

"The movement of the Iranian nation has had a tangible effect in the world. In such conditions, all bodies must multiply their efforts through reliance on God," Ayatollah khamenei urged.

Prior to the IR Leader's remarks, chairman of the council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani thanked the Leader for appointment of the new members to the body and said that presence of the experts who are interested in the system has created an atmosphere to put forward expert ideas free from political inclination.

Rafsanjani appreciated cooperation of both the government and the parliament with the council.
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