The Office of the Supreme Leader

IRI, enjoying best position ever

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told an audience of the people's representatives in the fourth term of the Leadership Assembly of Experts Thursday morning that at present the country and the government enjoy their best ever position since the victory of the Islamic revolution, adding that the nation and the authorities will keep on their successful and winning path by sticking to the chief factors of revolutionary victory and survival to wit patience and gratitude to God.

Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated the audience on the birth anniversary of the fifth Shiite Imam, Mohamad al-Baqer, peace be upon him, and described the Dec 15, 2006 elections as favorable "thank to people's warm and enthusiastic turnout, efforts of authorities and presence of influential candidates and different political and student groups."

"The Ninth Administration carried out its first collective vote with minimum problems or controversies and so set a successful record," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed it as highly significant that the Experts Assembly stands on public vote and described the reality as a clear indication of religious democracy.

"The enemy has realized how unparalleled the Experts Assembly is thereby several months prior to the elections it tried to discourage people from vote through a raft of propaganda and political campaigns, threats or intimidation nonetheless the faithful and aware Iranian nation went to ballot boxes more enthusiastic than in the previous mandate of the assembly so that the vote number outpaced that of the municipality elections to set another great success for the country and government."

The IR Leader also highlighted the assembly vote with regard to the presence of the respected religious authorities, influential personalities, and academic associations, adding that in God's assistance, no gripe or grumble came about.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the heart-driven faith and affectionate bond of the people with the Islamic System has been motivating them to take part in different fields, urging the authorities to believe and cherish the profound public confidence in the system and make their best to preserve and enhance the invaluable and rare phenomenon.

The IR Leader invoked verses of Koran in saying that the presence of the faithful in different arenas signals assistance of God and touched on the participation of people with every taste or appearance in the February 11 annual rallies.

"Preservation and promotion of faithful and fateful public presence in the scene requires the effective adherence of all the authorities to the dear Islam. If people see that the authorities and the government bodies are working for the sake of God, their confidence and faith in the System will indeed grow stronger," the IR Leader said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader linked any effort to make-believe the existence of emergency situation in the country to the line of enemy and criticized some individual who repeat the theme by their tongue or pen.

"No emergency situation exists in the country because the enemy has been confronting the Islamic Republic ever since twenty eight years ago and the great and grand Iranian nation has always won the battle during the period," the IR Leader said, adding that the case will continue to follow the suit.

Ayatollah Khamenei then raised the open admittance of the enemies to the expansion and deepening of the Islamic Revolution across the Middle East and the world of Islam, saying, "Despite the ever-intensifying enmity of the dominance seekers, the Islamic Republic has grown stronger day by day with its roots developing more and more so that today, the Islamic System compared with the past 28 years has the strongest ever position."

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to a warm welcome paid by people, the youth and intellectuals of different countries to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his visits to those countries and called it a definite reason that the Western propaganda has failed and that the nations keep an affection and interest in the Islamic Revolution.

"Today, the logic of the Islamic Republic is more acceptable, our argument is more substantiated and the Islamic Revolution holds more clout in the hearts of the Muslims," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed patience and gratitude to God as the key to the victory and survival of the revolution, adding "Patience is not only enduring woes. It also means to persevere and continue the path because if the case otherwise happens, any point of stoppage will turn into a starting pad for the enemy to attack, hence the necessity to pursue the goals of the Islamic Revolution and the nation's aspirations through courage, foresight and due planning."

Ayatollah Khamenei then raised gratitude to God as another factor behind the victory and survival of the revolution and urged acknowledging the Divine blessings and duly utilizing them.

"We must offer due gratitude for the great blessings like 'rule of Islam,' 'attractive and living slogans of Imam and revolution even after 28 years,' 'Islamic Republic's hoisting of flag of publicizing religion of God throughout the world,' and 'the Islamic dignity of the Iranian nation.'"

In the same regard, Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed to unwavering effort and diligence of the Administration, lauding the authorities with the Administration for their true diligence all day and all night in pursuit of the aspirations of the System and people by planning, taking measures and follow-up actions.

"We must cherish the blessing," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the nation, the assembly and all influential figures to keep vigilance towards enemy's scams, adding that as a top approach, the enemy seeks to politically disintegrate the country.

"For the same goal, they seek to push for big disparities under small pretexts to present difference of tastes as difference of platform," Ayatollah Khamenei said, urging every one to wary about such tricks.

The IR Leader also warned that the enemy seeks to demoralize the authorities to abandon their path through pressures, libels, threats as well as aggrandizing the problems and cost of continuing the path. "Nevertheless, the Iranian nation and authorities inspired by Koran will persevere in the path and vigilantly thwart this ploy as well," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei then cautioned about sectarian discords as another chief effort of enemy and highlighted the sensitivity of such attempts, adding that in God's assistance, Shiite and Sunni people in Iran are vigilantly living their life alongside each other in entire tranquility and unanimity.

"The Iraqi tragedies and the enemies' propaganda about the perpetrators behind the bloodshed show what sinister thoughts the wicked enemies are pursuing to incite difference in the world of Islam while the perpetrators behind the killings of people in Iraq are indeed neither Sunni nor Shiite," Ayatollah Khamenei warned.

Concluding his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the responsibility of the Leadership Assembly of Experts.

"The principal undertaking of the ultra-important association is to adopt decision in emergency therefore its representatives must prepare themselves to assume their assignment for the time of need through insight, courage and foresight," the IR Leader urged.
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