The Office of the Supreme Leader

America, key loser of developments

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told the visiting Syrian President Bashar Assad and his entourage Sunday that I.R. of Iran and Syria constitute a strategic depth for one another, adding that the 28-year relations between the two countries top the regional diplomatic ties in terms of duration and level.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the visiting delegation for broadening the cordial relations, saying, "bilateral talks between the two countries' authorities will further solidify Iran-Syria relations."

Ayatollah Khamenei raised the ongoing touchy problems in the region and lauded Syria for adopting a well-thought position. "The realities in the region demonstrate that the key loser of the developments is the bully front of arrogance, masterminded by America and its followers."

The IR Leader touched on the Iraqi problem and confirmed that America could never materialize its goals and there were no prospects to that effect.

"Besides America's serious problems in the region, the present status of the country's president inside America has become so fragile even his own party members growingly oppose his policies," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned about enemy efforts to incite religious conflicts inside Iraq and Lebanon. "Iran and Syria must make their best to thwart the ploy while giving support to Mr. Maliki's government and backing the genuine demands of the Lebanese people."

The Islamic Revolution Leader praised Syria for playing a constructive role in reducing the gap between the Palestinian groups and helping them to avoid further clashes. Ayatollah Khamenei called for continued coordination efforts between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria in resolving the regional questions.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed as insignificant a wave of propaganda hue-and-cry in the Western media against the Islamic Republic of Iran, also echoed in the American authorities' remarks. "All the clamor was shear psycho warfare. They tried to demoralize the Iranian people. Nevertheless and despite all these clamors, the people displayed their morale to the world in a massive, rare and enthusiastic presence in this year's February 11 marches," the IR Leader said.

In the meeting, in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was also present, President Bashar Assad described his visit to Tehran and the subsequent talks as very favorable and helpful to further the mutual ties between Iran and Syria.

He underlined continuous coordination between Tehran and Damascus notably in light of the regional situation.

"America is bent on demoting spirit of perseverance among people and governments of the countries which have stood against the American front in the region. However, Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran have kept their principle stance by relying on their people and adopting a fully harmonized diplomacy," Assad said, adding that America had failed to meet its goals.

Assad underscored combat against enemy plots in inciting religious war, especially in Lebanon and Iraq. In the same regard, he described a recent visit by the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to Syria as very favorable and expressed hope an upcoming visit by the Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki to Damascus will widen Iraq-Syria relations.

Bashar Assad also underlined Syria's support to the demands of the Lebanese people concerning the ongoing developments in the country.
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