The Office of the Supreme Leader

IRI standing more powerful than ever

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei ruled out the enemies' psychological operation to demoralize the Iranian nation as a token of their frustration and weak stand.

In an address to the commanders and personnel of the IRI Army's Air Force in the morning, the IR Leader emphatically promised that the great Iranian nation will take the stage in February 11 annual marches more enthusiastically than ever to prove to the world that it continues to tread its prideful path vigilantly and powerfully.

The meeting was held to commemorate the anniversary of the Army's Air Force' historic votive meeting twnty seven years ago with the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, may Allah be consent with him.

Ayatollah Khamenei elaborated on the enemy goals behind their hue and cry or threats of sanctions, saying that the Iranian nation ever since twenty seven years ago has been courageously confronting the enemy ploys and thwarted them through its innate capabilities and resources as well as its deep roots, growing more and more powerful so that the present position of the Islamic Republic of Iran could not be compared with that of early revolutionary period.

The IR Leader said that America's threats to block Iran is not new, adding that America and several other countries have blockaded the I.R. of Iran since years ago, though the Iranian nation could manage to make a large, bright scientific-technological progress amid the sanctions atmosphere.

Ayatollah Khamenei denounced 'intimidation' as the age-old and constant approach of the domineering powers to demoralize the nations and plunder their wealth, adding, "Scare and surrender to enemy is the mode of those nations and authorities who have failed to realize the might of national resolve. Otherwise the Iranian nation has debunked the spell of intimidation of the dominance seekers and mightily stood up to any sort of threat through its successful experiences of the last 27 years."

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on rumors of an imminent America's attack on Iran and told enemy not to bother themselves. "They must not bother themselves to try to intimidate the Iranian nation by such matters. Hasn't America ever attacked Iran? Furthermore, the enemies are well aware that any sort of aggression would be followed by a full blown reaction of the Iranian nation against the aggressors and their interests anywhere in the world," Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned.

"We believe that no one would commit such an irrational error to endanger its country and interests. Even though some say the American President is not a man of calculation or heeding the repercussions of his conduct, such individuals too could be made to heed wisdom," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that the American analysts and policy-makers had realized that the Iranian nation will not leave any aggression unanswered.

Ayatollah Khamenei turned to Zionist regime's admittance lately that it was in hold of A-bomb, adding that the regime in doing so sought to intimidate the Islamic countries and Muslim nations.

"Scare is like a termite which chops off the vital foundation of the nations. The world of Islam must remain alert towards the sort of plots," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution termed the recent aggression of the Zionists against the al-Aqsa Mosque a tragic event and called on the world of Islam and the Muslim nations to voice their disgust at the perpetrators of the disgraceful move.

Ayatollah Khamenei also highlighted the presence of logic, deliberation and reasoning in the immense movement of the Iranian nation in making the Islamic Revolution.

"The emergence of affection, love and profound religious faith in the great movement distinguishes the Islamic Revolution of Iran from other revolutions in the world. The religious faith is the driving force behind the fountain of the Islamic Revolution and the key to its constant move along its platform and the path of human moral," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei blamed the enemies' conspiracies, brawling and scam against the Iranian nation during the last 27 years on their failure to realize the united, profound faith of the nation.

"The awakening of the world of Islam constitutes a principal dimension of the Islamic Revolution in Iran," the Islamic Revolution Leader said.
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