The Office of the Supreme Leader

Moscow, Tehran could complement one another

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told the visiting Russian Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov Sunday that the expansion of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia will prove fruitful, adding that the two countr ies could play a complementary role towards one another in diplomatic, economic, regional and international issues.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed pleasure for a message in writing sent by Russian President Vladimir Putin, affirming, "The Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes broadening ties with Russia in every field whatsoever and believes that the two sides have more cap acities to widen mutual relations than the levels on the ground."

Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei raised the fact that Iran and Russia are in hold of half of the global gas reserves and suggests that the two sides join forces to establish an organization for gas cooperation, the nature of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Ayatollah Khamenei then turned to the regional issues and raised the latest developments in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Lebanon in which America have been exerting efforts to promote its unilateral policies.

"Unlike America's efforts, the country has failed to materialize its aims in the region," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia can thwart America's one-sided moves through their effective cooperation.

The IR Leader then touched on Russian President's message in which he had called for Tehran-Moscow's continued cooperation in all arenas, notably in completing and commissioning of Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed hope the existing cooperation would continue and the already made commitments would realize.

Igor Ivanov, for his part, underlined a serious resolve on the part of Moscow to broaden tries with Tehran in all grounds.

"The Russian President opines that the two countries must exhaust all their potentialities at hand to consolidate their ties as well as their regional, international and strategic cooperation," Ivanov underscored.

The Russian official described his talks in Tehran as positive. "Moscow views the prospects of cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran as very good and hopeful," he said.

The meeting was also attended by Ali Larijani, Secretary of IRI's Supreme National Security Council.
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