The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic unity is within reach

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told a meeting of Sunni and Shiite scholars Monday that the unity of the world of Islam is a sublime goal and also within reach for which the scholars must fulfill their heavy duty.

The scholars were holding a think tank in Tehran in honor of Ibn Meisam Bahrani, the great interpreter of Nahj al-Balaqa that is the masterpiece Islamic book and gathers words of Imam Ali (A.S.).

Ayatollah Khamenei told the scholars that the world of Islam will become united once its scholars take alert, its people become aware, enemy's trap of temptation is avoided and the Islamic government join forces.

"If this unity happens, it will prove instrumental to the Islamic governments and they will no longer have to take refuge in Britain or America out of their dread and fragility," Ayatollah Khamenei vowed.

The Islamic Revolution Leader regarded the difference of creeds and sects natural, adding that in the contemporary era, the global colonialism could take the utmost advantage from negligence, fanaticism and ill-tempered approaches on the part of Muslims to sow discord among them and that the pace of this colonial scam intensified after the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979.

Ayatollah Khamenei described Britain as weathered in sowing discord in the ranks of Muslims out of its prolonged presence in the region.

"The prominent figures in the combat against colonialism, including Imam Khomeini, Sayed Jamal al-Din Asadabadi, Sheikh Muhammad Abdo and Sharaf al-Din Amoli were pleading for unity of the Islamic ummah and endeavored to bar the differences to become a tool against the world of Islam," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei raised the arrogance' divisive drive in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Lebanon and noted that those who are bent on inciting discord are neither Shiite nor Sunni.

In the same line, the IR Leader said that American and Israeli intelligent services constitute the prime factor behind the Iraqi insecurity by inflaming differences or provoking radical elements, arguing that the most insecure points in Iraq are those where American military forces are present.

Ayatollah Khamenei reviewed enemy's plot against Iran's Islamic Revolution and said "as the revolution got victory in Iran, America devised a new plan in which to present the Iranian Islamic Revolution a Shia-oriented one, whereas our revolution is inspired by Islam and Qoran and takes honor in holding atop the flag of Islamic values, monotheism, promotion of Divine statute and the spiritual merit of Islam. And we are successful."

Ayatollah Khamenei attributed enmities with the Islamic Revolution of Iran to the same successful endeavor, adding that if the Iranian revolution failed to back and defend the world of Islam, Palestine, Afghanistan, Lebanon or any Muslim who takes stride in the path of Islam, the enemies would never bother it.

"Despite all these enmities, the Islamic Revolution of Iran could revitalize the spirit of Islamic pride and honor in the Muslims so that today the Islamic ummah are emerged to be further alert and dignified while the enemy has turned to be a constant failure," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.
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