The Office of the Supreme Leader

Friday elections, token of public aware presence

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei highlighted the upcoming double elections of the Leadership Assembly of Experts and the Islamic Municipal Councils to be held on Friday December 15.

"God willing, the people through their firm resolve, full mind and for the sake of Allah will take on the field of elections and prove to the world the sublime position of the united Iranian nation in another revolutionary and popular test by choosing sincere, devout and trusted individuals that are aspirants for the popular religious aspirations," Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.

Speaking to thousands of people Wednesday morning, Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the Friday elections for two main reasons.

"The presence of every nation in elections signals the liveliness and self-consciousness of that nation. The Iranian people have grabbed the opportunities of numerous elections have always pushed their vote and opinion through. This significant and blessing phenomenon shows the liveliness and awareness of the nation," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the other significance of the elections as the ruling of majority vote, adding, "The elections is the venue in which to materialize the demand of the majority of people. The same agenda will be met in Friday elections."

Ayatollah Khamenei attached high significance to the elections of the Leadership Assembly of Experts. "The Experts Assembly must be made up of trustworthy, wise and sincere individuals that are trusted by people and must always be ready to fulfill its great obligation of choosing the leader. For that reason, best choices must be made for the momentous assembly."

The IR Leader urged people for identifying and choosing deserved candidates for the Leadership Assembly of Experts, adding that if there was no knowledge about the candidates, people could resort to devout and confident individuals whose views provide a religious evidence, provided those individuals do the job only to fulfill their duties, void of worldly matters or political hue and cry.

Concerning the Municipal Islamic Council, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that the council members must be religious, trustworthy and sincere. "Send those individuals to the councils who besides the triple traits, are up to the job, industrious and minded to serve people. By doing so, many problems facing the city and the people's daily life will be resolved," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

Ayatollah Khamenei raised the enemy constant efforts to trigger an apathy, adding, "Those who profess to champion democracy are bent on undermining religiously democratic bodies and accuse the Islamic Republic of Iran by lowering the size of turnout, but the nation will leave them in failure thank to its awareness about the motives of the enemies of Islam and Iran."

Ayatollah Khamenei described the aware participation of the Iranian nation in Friday elections as a new token of its maturity, vigilance and readiness to be delivered to the world public opinion.

"By God's assistance, people, women or men and old or young will fill up the ballot boxes with their ballot sheets in an enthusiastic vote on Friday to open a new arena of management in these fields," Ayatollah Khamenei vowed.

Ayatollah Khamenei thanked officials and elections organizers for their favorable preparations, adding, "Now is the people's turn to bring the elections affairs to sublimity so that the Almighty God grants further blessings to the nation and the country in these elections owing to the sincere resolve and will of the people.

The IR Leader called the Iranian people's presence in running the country's affairs an eminent phenomenon.

"The bright presence of the nation in all the elections of the past 27 years has shown the deep belief of the nation and the system in the significance of public participation in determining the country's fate. However, the blessings, effects and scope of the Iranian nation's participation are not limited to elections; the national progressive trend and the promotion of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region and the world are other fruits of the determining presence."

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian nation's perseverance to regain its nuclear energy right showed its national demand and provided an example of public aware presence.

"Concerning the nuclear issue, the international powers were adamant that Iran should not reach the modern technology. Nevertheless, the Iranian nation pressed with practicing its right in unison and advanced to a highly modern point though this is not the end of line and the nation will achieve further progress," the IR Leader affirmed.

"Today, people are the chief masters and decision makers of the country. This will guarantee the future of the country," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei admired the Iranians for their national unity, adding that different groups of people, especially the youth and the educated ones, will build the bright future of Iran through their thought, will and moves.

"Success will be achieved through promoted national resolve and unity," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.
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