The Office of the Supreme Leader

Human being, victim of self-seekers

Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told a joint ceremony of Semnan military held in the commanding center of Zolfeqar elite division Saturday evening that the armed forces are from the people, with the people and for the people.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran's armed forces take honor in that they perform whatever relevant to defense of a nation including training, war games, mission of alert, discipline and making necessary equipment by reliance on God and through their deep faith in Him," Ayatollah Khamenei told the ceremony, held north of the country.

Ayatollah Khamenei regretted that human being has fell victim to the malicious goals of the world self-seekers, adding to preserve dignity in such a world, the nation must rely on the will of the youth as well as deep faith the result of which is that the country will enjoy a stable genuine security.

The Commander-in-Chief called the present period a sensitive and fateful one for the Iranian nation. Ayatollah Khamenei underlined the heavy responsibility of the authorities and the armed forces, saying, "The armed forces must set training, work, positive attitude, firm resolve, awareness, intimacy, solidarity and employing innovations as their goals and invariably keep adherence to their responsibilities and commitments.

Ayatollah Khamenei confirmed that the Iranian nation could fend off the enemy scam by its worldwide dignity and sovereignty, adding this dignity and sovereignty must become more deep-rooted than ever and so must material and spiritual sovereignty.

Early in the ceremony, Ayatollah Khamenei paid homage to the martyr memorial in the center and read the opening chapter of the holy Qoran. The IR Leader then reviewed a guard of honor.

At the end of the ceremony, top military units marched past the Commander-in-Chief.
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