The Office of the Supreme Leader

Iranian flair makes every dream come true

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in the third day of his trip to the northeastern province of Semnan told an enthusiastic gathering of faithful people in the provincial city of Damghan that with such mainstays as the faith, resolve and flair of the Iranian nation all the lofty aspirations of the Islamic Revolution notably justice and removal of discrimination are not out of reach.

Ayatollah Khamenei admired the flag of Islamic and social justice hoisted by the Islamic Republic of Iran and ruled out suggestions by few individuals that with the current widespread injustice in the world and with the corrupt persons and some discriminations inside the country, the social justice can not be materialized.

"As many a superficially unattainable goal early on the revolution was met later, the dream of justice will come true by the resolve of the people, especially the youth," he affirmed.

Early in the Revolution and during the Sacred Defense, when the Islamic System was constrained by the international powers from reaching minimum defensive equipments, no one had imagination that some day the young people of this land could launch an array of modern missiles on their own during a war games alone, however the superficially out of reach dream is now fulfilled.

Ayatollah Khamenei reminded about the threatening of the hegemonic powers against the Iranian people at different junctures apexed in the past years by threats to attack the country, adding, at that time, a majority did not kept imaginations that the arrogance, masterminded by America, would some day concede to the Iranian nation, but now taking the disastrous failure of American policies in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Afghanistan into account, the country's threats are now regarded empty threats throughout the globe.

Ayatollah Khamenei moreover said the failure of the American President party in the latest Congress elections proved that America's war waging policies are not approved within the country, adding the event was not just an American internal affair rather it was the defeat of Bush's war mongering policies.

The IR Leader pointed to American President's late admission to the defeat, adding since Washington had shown hostility and war waging always towards the Iranian nation, the defeat of the policies actually translated into the convincing victory of the Iranian nation in this political phase.

Ayatollah Khamenei then turned to the usurper Zionists' relentless and repressive offensive against the Palestinian defenseless people in Gaza, saying the Zionist regime that lost its 50-year-long military superiority in the 33-day Lebanon war just in the face of a faithful and Mujahid group that was suffering lack of any advanced equipments is now bent on taking revenge from the Palestinian innocent people.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the negotiated agreement for the withdrawal of the Zionist military from Gaza, saying the daily crimes of the savage Zionists in Gaza showed once more that negotiation with the usurper regime is useless and hapless.

Ayatollah Khamenei was critical about the reticence kept by the international community and pretenders to human rights in the West, saying the silence of the West, especially the Europe's, towards the massive oppression shows that the lives of the defenseless Palestinian children, women and men have no value for those pretenders to human rights.

Ayatollah Khamenei then raised Damghan provincial issues and praised the honorable record of the city, especially its eminent figures in the fields of science, religious, literature and politics.

The IR Leader commemorated the memory of the provincial martyrs, including the martyr Shahcheraqi and the martyr Momeni.

The Leader acknowledged that the province has experienced an extensive development compared to the past but though enjoying broad human talents and natural resources, it is still grappled with many problems. Ayatollah Khamenei called on the people and the relevant authorities to resolve the problems.

The IR Leader affirmed that in the Islamic Republic System, the authorities are to serve people, adding, at present a lively, quick, industrious, and sincere administration that is minded with public interests has taken the center stage and wherever the possibilities allow it will move to resolve the people's problems.

Earlier, Ayatollah Khamenei paid a visit to Damghan cemetery of martyrs and read the opening chapter of the holy Qoran in tribute to the lofty position of those martyrs.
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