The Office of the Supreme Leader

Elites must run through developments

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told an academic function in the northeastern province of Semnan Thursday morning that the elites of the seminary and the university must run the country through developments by undertaking both the world standards and at the same time the standards particular to the Islamic system.

Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed that the traits of the student community mainly as its enthusiasm, abundant talent, wishing for progress, hopes in future and readiness for work bode well, urging the students to unite those traits with awareness about the path to national aspirations, planning, prudence, unwavering efforts and bewaring not to miss targets until the path to heights of progress is covered.

Ayatollah Khamenei invoked several Qoranic verses in stating that the will of every human being has some impact on the societal changes, adding, under Divine statute, the very members of a community bring about changes and that the will and attitude of every individual influence the chain of changes for better or worse.

The IR Leader said the secret to endurance and sublimity of the humanity lies in change for better.

Ayatollah Khamenei promoted a receptive attitude towards any change for better and avoiding stagnancy, adding change for better is rather than anarchism, ferment, and destructuralization while stagnancy differs from social stability, and what constitutes the target is a stable but not stagnant society that experiences quick but accurate changes.

Ayatollah Khamenei reckoned that there are several requirements to bring progressive changes about, mainly as preserving origins, avoiding destructuralization, honoring national identity, keeping hope in future, liveliness, maintaining a receptive attitude towards criticism, promotion of competitiveness, planning and opting for an accurate policy.

"Opposite to the requirements are matters like behavioral and political ferment, nihilism, destructive moves and forgetting about national identity and fundamental bases of the society that never cause favorable changes to happen, rather, they are followed by a backward trend," the IR Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei rejected that national identity counters religious identity, adding it (national identity) is made up of beliefs, demands and attitudes of a nation and no question the set of beliefs of a faithful and monotheist nation constitutes a component of its national identity.

Ayatollah Khamenei then warned about a big threat posed by the dominance of Zionism and global capitalism over the world developments, adding international networks of money and force which formed NATO military organization to grab dominance over the nations' wealth are now bent on forming a cultural NATO in which to adopt multifaceted media capacities to take hold of socio-cultural and politico-economic developments of nations to further promote their goals and destroy national identity of human communities.
Ayatollah Khamenei underlined vigilance in this regard.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged for adopting an accurate attitude towards developments and in this raised the new debate of "management of developments," adding, by sticking to past and denying innovation one may reach nowhere, while at the same time by ferment, in cultural, political, economic or ideological matters no progress will be achieved.

"The only right option is to open the way to innovation and free thinking and managing the change-inspiring road," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the elites of the seminary and the university as those who must take responsibility of management of developments, adding though the authorities for their part have certain duties in this regard, the charge of developments and running activities that lead to repair, compliment and progress must be in hand of those elites.

Ayatollah Khamenei termed progress as the goal of any favorable development. The IR Leader pointed to different and sometimes fraud parameters in this regard, adding, to grasp the true version of progress, for one thing theoretical debates that undertake realities must be set up and then the path must be taken up after drawing a map, planning and setting priorities.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the global indices of progress, including post-industrialization, self-sufficiency in staples, enhancing optimization, promoting literacy, promoting utilities, fostering life expectancy, and expanding telecommunication.

"These indices will be effective to achieve true progress once they are employed based on national identity and fundamental aspirations," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding unless the case is so, "the promotion of the indices like in certain superficially-developed Western countries will result in domestic injustice, bullying against other nations, proliferation and use of destructive weapons like atomic bomb, promotion of indecency and ruining family and social bonds." "The Iranian nation keeps no desire for such a progress," the leader proclaimed.

Ayatollah Khamenei then touched on the additional parameters required by an Islamic System: expanding national wealth, seeking justice, scientific might, promotion of ethics, spirituality and human feelings, national dignity, combating against poverty, corruption, joblessness and discrimination, combating against unawareness and lawlessness, scientific promotion of management jobs, social discipline, and promotion of responsibilities and cultural independence.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the academic and seminarian elites to undertake researches about social problems to find practical solutions, adding such researches will pave the way to progress.

Ayatollah Khamenei also welcomed the proposals put forward by several lecturers early in the meeting, including among others to establish a development management center, terming the suggestions scientific and professional. The IR Leader urged relevant bodies to procure the suggestions.

Early in the meeting, a number of professors and students made their point about national academic and intellectual affairs.
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