The Office of the Supreme Leader

The nation takes honor in its martyrs

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei a large gathering of noble families of martyrs, war veterans and members of the Basij organization in the northeastern province of Semnan that loyalty in the path and aspirations of martyrs will secure national dignity, sovereignty and gross.

Ayatollah Khamenei called his meeting with "patient fathers and mothers of martyrs as well as honorable and stout wives of martyrs and their judicious children" highly inspirational, adding the stunning perseverance of these elated people through the difficult test of martyrdom of their beloved represents the concept embedded in the Qoranic verses about how the faithful treat fraught events. "The grateful Iranian nation will never forget them," he affirmed.

Ayatollah Khamenei ascribed the Iranian national dignity, honor and progress, political independence, the survival of revolutionary aspirations and Imam's memory, the national resistance against enemies as well as the country's ever-increasing advance to the sacrifice and bravery of the martyrs, adding, "Even if those achievements were not at hand, the nation would still take honor in the epic made by the martyrs and war veterans and the patience practiced by their beloved families," Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized.

Ayatollah Khamenei reckoned that nations introduce themselves by how they treat moments of truth, adding, the resolve of martyrs and war veterans still remains to live throughout the country and the present young faithful generation will line up against any event like the first generation of the revolution and the war to show that different generations of this nation has known their path of prosperity, progress and honor and will never abandon their aspirations.

Ayatollah Khamenei described Semnan a premier province in terms of the number of its martyrs and soldiers during the Sacred Defense era.

The IR Leader thanked Semnan's provincial bodies and ranks which served in wartime, including among others the Qaem battalion, the Logistics Staff and the Development Jihad Organization.
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