The Office of the Supreme Leader

Religious democracy is genuine

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told people in the northeastern province of Semnan that expedition of all-out development in country and pursuit of revolutionary justice-oriented slogans are among the working priorities of the authorities, adding the great goals demand a large drive that was commenced by previous administrations and continued by the serving cabinet, having managed to lift the Iranian cultured nation to favorable levels in terms of indices of progress and development.

Ayatollah Khamenei confirmed the authorities are complying with the revolutionary platform in their approach towards the state affairs. The IR Leader then hailed the strong spirit and hopeful manner of the nation, saying, "the recognition of nuclear rights and perseverance in this regard signals a meritorious understanding and national spirit. The Iranian nation has realized that availability of nuclear energy constitutes a chief index of development in the world."

"The Islamic Republic of Iran is capable to secure the irrefragable right of the nation on its own and without stretching hands to other countries," he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei ruled out America's allegations that a global opposition is there against the Iranian nuclear rights, saying, "Besides the world's nations, over 150 member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and other conventions advocate a break in the monopoly of nuclear energy and laud the Iranian nation for their stout pursuit of their nuclear rights, thereby proving that an absolute majority of the world people reject the attempt of a few Western countries to infringe the rights of the Iranian nation."

Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed that continuous existence of a firm spirit and the national hope stage the ground for the Iranian nation to conquer the peaks of progress and pride.

The IR Leader touched on 27 years of enmity on the part of the global Zionism and the American arrogance against the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation, adding that contrary to the Western hue and cry, the enemies of the Iranian nation, including America, are holding onto a shakier position than the past ten or fifteen years whose tokens have surfaced in the America's defeat in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Afghanistan.

Ayatollah Khamenei supported his statements about American fragileness in the Middle East by saying, "the American government exhausted all possibilities at hand and even pretended it had approved the formation of the Palestinian government, so that the Zionist regime could flee a face-off with the Palestinian people. Nevertheless, today a Palestinian government has come to power that does not recognize the Zionist enemy and is not ready to sit negotiation with the regime, hence America's one hundred percent defeat in Palestine."

The Islamic Revolution Leader then touched on America's costing and relentless, but botched attempts in different grounds, including to divert the Iranian nation from the path of the late Imam Khomeini, dwarf religious values, expand indecency among the youth, influence the administrations, stir sectarian feelings and internal conflict, and trouble universities, adding "every one realizes that America's incessant failures in the face of the Iranian nation and the Islamic System is not an accident, but a rational trend, inspired by the faith, vigilance, awareness, bravery, and timely decisions of the great and prudent Iranian nation, always having frustrated the enemies of Islam and the Revolution." Ayatollah Khamenei prayed to Almighty Allah the conditions follow the suit.

Ayatollah Khamenei then hailed the Iranian nation's allegiance to Imam Khomeini's aspirations, saying the popularity of the serving President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, arises from his declaration and efforts to follow the ideas of Imam Khomeini, may Allah's mercy rest on him.

"People in whatever part of the country trust on those persons who are more interested in religion, the Revolution and the Imam and this reality is a solid evidence that America has defeated in dwarfing the path and aspirations of Imam among the Iranian nation," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to reception of the slogans and objectives of the Islamic Revolution by the world's nations, especially Muslim, adding the Iranian nation has effectively exported its revolution and will continue its prideful path mightily and by relying on its aware, prudent and young generation. "The world of arrogance has to take back position in the face of this great nation," the IR Leader underlined.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged taking lessons from the continued triumph of the nation against the arrogance, adding, "the victories show that effort and work relied on faith and hope is the key to the nation's success and all people, from the youth to students, workers, clerics, industrialists, agrarians, capital owners and social and political activists must make unwavering effort based on their duties and responsibilities to cherish the existing national unity and promote it and accelerate the country's movement towards the goals of the Revolution and people."

The IR Leader affirmed that the performance of the Iranian nation divulged many of the mock slogans of the West concerning human rights, combat against terrorism and democracy. "The Iranian nation showed that religious democracy is genuine because in this kind of democracy, unlike the normal partisan feelings in the West, here the people themselves bring authorities to power upon their choice," Ayatollah Khamenei affirmed.

The Islamic Revolution Leader acclaimed the Iranians' national unity, religious practice, national lively manner and notably the Iranian youths as great Divine blessings, urging cherishing those blessings by employing them to develop country.

Ayatollah Khamenei recommended the enemies of the Iranian nation to take lessons from the failed experience of challenge against the Islamic Republic. "The global dominance seekers must realize that the 21st century, contrary to the 19th or 20th century, is the era in which the spell of colonial policies breaks apart. It is the century of spirituality, independence and nations' return to their national identity and origin. Whatever power stands against this reality is but to fail."

"The American people like any other nation are entitled to live a nice life. The goal will be met through their domestic efforts, provided their government do not regard itself the owner of sensitive regions in the world, including the Persian Gulf," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

Ayatollah Khamenei then raised up the issue of the upcoming elections of the Leadership Assembly of Experts (LAE) and the Islamic Municipality Councils.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched significance to the very presence of people at any vote, adding the LAE elections is in fact a bulwark and reserve for the future of the nation and country and the assembly must always be at work and this makes its elections im portant.

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the municipality elections for their influence in the daily affairs of people in urban and rural areas, saying, "if honest, efficient, lively, faithful, decent and trustworthy people win the vote, people will be relieved ab out their daily affairs."

The IR Leader also urged election candidates for tolerance toward rival sides and avoiding finding fault "for such a practice tarnishes the political ambience in society."

Ayatollah Khamenei appreciated the people of Semnan for their religious attitude and their thirst for knowledge and praised them for their warm reception to him. Ayatollah Khamenei said that by his provincial visits, he aimed to become further acquainted with spiritual glories and ideas of people throughout the country, to express his gratitude to them and to draw attention of authorities to problems people in different parts of the country suffer from.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed pleasure with the provincial visits of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet, adding with the visits one of his dreams had come true: authorities pay attention to problems of different parts of the country and the liv ely administration accelerate the materialization of the system's aspirations.

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