The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives belarussian President

The Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with Belarussian President, Alexander Lukashenko underlined that independent countries' united wills will lead to promotion of their power and influence and is in line with their interests.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran and Belarus enjoy many fields to bolster bilateral ties in different arenas and Iranian government is completely ready to strengthen relations specially in economic and trade sectors with Belarus," the IR Leader said.

Pointing to the boosting multilateral ties between the two countries, Ayatollah Khamenei said that more collaboration among independent countries is necessary for resistance against the arrogant's pressures."

"Lack of unity among officials and weak support of public opinion, are the cause of disability of many countries which seem independent, against the arrogant," the IR Leader added.

Reffering to America's interferences in different regions of the world specially in the Middle East, he reiterated that the main reason is weakness of the regional states, but underlined that Americans have become desolate in the Middle East including Iraq, Lebanon and occupied Palestine.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran has no quarrel with other countries but extremely is interested in its future and interests.

For his part, Belarussian President expressed his satisfaction over the visit to Iran and the two sides' good relations and said that the two countries were determined to bolster multilateral ties because it is in line with their interests.

He confirmed the IR Leader's statements about necessity of boosting relations between independent countries, adding that "we also beleive that we should increase our will and strength through more relations and using the people support to fight against arrogant powers."
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