The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader: We exist just to serve people

"In Islam's view, rulers and governments exist just to serve people and carry out works in the interest of the public and this is what God demands us, as authorities, to fulfill," Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told President Mahmoud Ahmadinjead and his administration Sunday.

Quoting excerpts of Hazrat Ali's famous epistle to Malik Ashtar, his renowned commander-in-chief, Ayatollah Khamenei laid out the duties of the authorities of the Islamic System as love and in-heart affection for people, saying contrary to the mindset of profiteers who sometimes have to respect people out of expediency or to reassert their power, in Islam, caring for people because of faith and humanity is a principle and statesmen must treat possible failures of people mercifully and leniently.

Ayatollah Khamenei however drew a distinction between lenience towards ordinary people and handling with law flouters and a particular power-thirsty group, adding, the public interests are prioritized over those of particular groups and condoning their wrong doings and profiteering correspond to injustice and tyranny.

Meanwhile, at the end of the meeting Ayatollah Khamenei led congregational prayers and the President and his cabinet members broke fast alongside Ayatollah Khamenei.
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