The Office of the Supreme Leader

Quranic miliue, key to blessings

With two days into the holy month of Ramadan, a Quranic function was held Tuesday evening in the presence of the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei.

In the ceremony that convened premier Quran reciters from over forty participating countries in the 23rd round of international Quran competitions, the Honorable Ayatollah Khamenei said that to achieve lofty aspirations an Islamic community must develop intimacy with Quran in different levels of society and trust in the Divine book's promises.

"The more intimacy with Quran and deliberation on the book grows the more the Islamic community achieves blessings and achievements," the IR Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the achievements of the Islamic System during the past years, especially the perseverance the nation towards the world bullies, adding these invaluable achievements mainly the striking progress of the young Iranians in different scientific domains in addition to signs of justice administration in the country are the fruits of a Quranic milieu emerging among people and authorities.

Ayatollah Khamenei called the current Quranic ambience in society the starting point to build an Islamic community, adding Quranic atmosphere has helped the Islamic System turn into a role model and awaken the Islamic nations.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to feelings of dignity and pride by the world Muslims in addition to relentless failures and scandals of those who put claim to human rights and democracy, saying the feeling of dignity and trust in Quranic promises helped the Lebanese Hezbollah to win the battle against an equipped army that had full-scale support of international powers behind.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged for continued Quranic movement in the country and efforts for further improvement of the blessed movement.
"In this Quranic movement, memorization, comprehension of content and recitation of Quran must be paid serious attention and relevant authorities must pave the ground for these," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

At the end of the radiant ceremony, the audience conducted prayers behind Ayatollah Khamenei who led the religious service. The congregation then broke fast.
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