The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader honors army graduates

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei traveled to Nowshahr north of country Wednesday to partake the fourth army cadetship graduation ceremony.

Honoring the aspirations of the Iranian nation in terms of scientific, spiritual, economic and cultural progress, Ayatollah Khamenei told the military ceremony, held in the campus of the city's Imam Khomeini University of maritime sciences, that experience proves that a peace-loving nation that moves towards self-purification, prosperity, dignity and humanistic causes must be capable of defending itself in the face of international a ggressors and bullies, hence military sovereignty a lead goal for the Iranian nation and country.

The Commander-in-Chief emphatically described work in the armed forces as a duty, adding during the past 27 years, the brave Iranian nation, especially its devout and robust youths, never let enemies pose a practical threat, but the armed forces must be on full alert for standing against any enemy threat.

The IR Leader described the invaluable experience of the armed forces as a precious asset and urged all army cadets to utilize the experience and take example from the eminent martyrs.

Ayatollah Khamenei called future of the country very prospective and lauded the nation's vigilance, ebullience and exuberance as well as firm belief of the officials in serving people, adding, now foes and friends of the Iranian nation concedes to the country's national dignity and under the situation military service and joining the armed forces stands as a sacred practice.

Early in the ceremony, the Commander-in-Chief attended the university's martyr memorial and recited the Opening sura in honor of the lofty position of the martyrs of the 8 year Sacred Defense. Ayatollah Khamenei then reviewed an honor guard staged by the military units.

Later in the day, the university's cadets carried out drills and reviewed their professional trainings.
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