The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader highlights prayers role

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei described prayers as the lead base of individual religious practice and general religious performance of nations as well as the vital element of every religious community.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in an address to authorities in charge of the Foundation for Performing Prayers.

Ayatollah Khamenei invoked Quranic verses and the words of the Fourteen Infallibles in arguing that prayers help keep paying attention to the Almighty and that no effort in promotion of the quality performance of prayers in any amount whatsoever would be adequate.

The IR Leader said that inner soul motivation and continued adoption of sound approach are two main keys to set up monotheistic community and administer the right and justice, adding the two key factors to wit moving for the sake of God and always seeking His consent are enshrined in prayers.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the Foundation's major duties as promotion of prayers, making public propagation about the significance of the Devine mandatory practice and promotion of the culture of heartfelt presence in prayers.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged other bodies to aid the foundation in this respect, adding materialization of these goals will consolidate the platform of a great global movement whose main pillar is the Iranian Islamic System.

Ayatollah Khamenei cordially thanked head of the foundation Hojjatoleslam Qara'ati as well as the revered ulema and relevant bodies that help promote prayers and called on them to continue the efforts.

"In promotion of prayers, all useful propagative tools must be applied," Ayatollah Khamenei urged.

The Islamic Revolution Leader, in other parts of his remakrs, expressed deep sorrow over the Pope's recent remarks on Islam and praised Islamic world's due response.

"The remarks in one look are allegations leveled at Islam but the other side is more significant that is the assistance of such remarks to world imperialist which are intended to create religious conflict between Muslims and Christians," Ayatollah Khamenei warned.

"Charges that Islam ignores rationality are the same as denial of sunlight, because no other Devine book puts emphasis on wisdom and prudence as Quran does; moreover, the Islamic umma's shining scientific civilization took shape based on Islam's recommendations about wisdom, science and prudence," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Concerning the Pope's remarks on jihad in Islam, Ayatollah Khamenei said it is the ultimate unfairness from an individual to misinterpret Islam's views about jihad while having failed to comprehend the issue.

"Islamic jihad is not (a tool) to impose opinion on others, but the nations' liberation movement against those powers which put shackles of slavery on human," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on some Quranic verses and words of the Fourteen Infallibles that urge Muslims to treat people of other faiths with magnanimity, adding in Islam's view mankind for being mankind deserves magnanimity. "How come Islam is accused of violence despite the existence of those numerous definite verses?" the IR Leader asked.

"More significant in the unfortunate remarks is the behind the scene imperialist policies that are aiding to create religious crisis, make followers of different religions confront and halt their cooperation," Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned.

Ayatollah Khamenei warned about America's attempts to incite rancor and pessimism between Muslims and Christians and mar the image of the Muslim minorities in the West to repress Islamic community under the pretext of perceived support for terrorism.

"Global bullies consider their continued life as dependent on religious conflict within international community. The Pope practically helped such policies through his remarks," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Ayatollah Khamenei added however that it was likely that the Pope had been deceived and so ignored particular goals sought by such remarks.

The IR Leader then recalled a meeting years ago with a European official in which he was surprised at the European's touching on Crusades. "However, when the New York towers incident took place and consequently the American President spoke about Crusades and then the American-Zionist project was launched, the intention of the European official, who had a direct role in the attack on Iraq, was made clear and it was realized that heads of arrogance had previously drew up the phases of the American-Zionist plot," Ayatollah Khamenei continued.

The IR Leader denounced the insulting cartoons and insulting remarks by certain politicians and press in America and Europe about Islam as different links of a ploy to incite crusades, adding "the Pope's remarks are the latest link."

"We do not expect Bush, because he is working for the global powers and pillager companies, but the remarks from a senior clerical Christian authority are regrettable and surprising," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Leader of the world Muslims cautioned Muslims about the policies lying behind the Pope's remarks, adding in this story as well the Big Satan (American Government) is busy paying role so every one must beware that protests must be pointed at those who benefit from the Pope's unfair remarks and pursue their imperialist policies through them.
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