The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives young elites

slamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei on Saturday received young elites ranking high in national and international scientific examinations and olympiads.

The guests offered their views on various scientific, social, cultural and academic issues.

Ayatollah khamenei called scientific progress as an strategic objective for the country and stressed that the non-stop and speedy effort of the scientists and students particularly young elites is the main factor for materializing this objective.

He described this gathering as a symbolic meeting to glorify and respect science/knowledge and scientists and added, "The Iranian nation has suffered much damage from scientific backwardness and the Westerners' abuse of science for political, economic and cultural hegemony."

"Therefore it (the Iranian nation) has decided to compensate for its historical backwardness and to make inefficient the threats of rivals or enemies with a great speed in scientific progress."

Stressing that good and bad characteristics of countries and societies have to be studied together, the Islamic Revolution Leader said, "A part of the developments in the West is because of their risking character."

Ayatollah Khamenei named religion and ethics as complemens to science and called on the elites to pay attention to spiritualities parallel to their steady scientific efforts.

"The most scientifically-developed country which is America has a great distance from human ideals such as justice, security, peace and prosperity. This is because of the big gap which exists between science and morality/spirituality in the West."

The Leader assessed the speed of Iran's scientific progress very good compared to the other countries.

Referring to the achievements of Iranian scientists in the fields of nuclear energy, producing stem cells, and military achievements, Ayatollah Khamenei said, "The current scientific movement in the country is going on with a high speed."

"However, we have to keep on the speed for two more decades to fill in the deep gap between Iran and the world caravan of scientific progress created by the political, economic and cultural hegemony of America during Qajari and Pahlavi regimes," he said, adding that young elites and the leaders of the countries must shoulder this great responsibility.

Referring to the coming month of Ramadan, Ayatollah Khamenei adviced all people especially the youth to take advantage of this great opportunity adding, "In the holy Month of Ramadan, fast in a way that would make you feel more light has entered your pure hearts and you have got closer to Allah."
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