The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives Iraqi Premier

"Prosperity and progress of the Iraqi people is the same as the Iranian and regional people's own prosperity and progress," Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maleki Wednesday, adding the Islamic Republic of Iran feels obliged to support by deed the Iraqi people and government.

Ayatollah Khamenei expressed pleasure with the formation of an independent and stable government in Iraq and hope that the day comes in which the Iraqi nation restores its deserved position and which its material and human resources serve the Iraqi nation, with the hand of aliens just severed.

The IR Leader said he was sorrowful about daily pain and hardship facing the Iraqi people, adding that pain and grief was incurred partly from the former evil regime and partly by the presence of occupiers in Iraq.

"Provided the occupiers exit, many problems of Iraq will be resolved and based on the same argument we long for the occupiers' withdrawal," Ayatollah Khamenei asserted.

During the meeting, also attended by First Vice President, Parviz Davoodi, the Iraqi Prime Minister expressed pleasure with his visit to Iran. Maleki praised I.R. of Iran for its stance to back the Iraqi nation and government.

Maleki termed his trip successful, adding the expansion of relations with friendly and neighbor countries is a major priority of Iraq's foreign policy.

Maleki then elaborated on the Iraqi situation and the measures adopted by his government to tackle the existing problems in the country, mainly efforts to promote unity and integrity among different Iraqi tribes, sects and denominations, adding the main problem facing Iraq is insecurity notably blamed on Bathists and Takfiris (Muslim excommunicators).

The Iraqi Premier expressed hope that the two countries would experience broadened ties by enforcing previously concluded bilateral agreements.
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