The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives Djibouti President

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told visiting Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh and his accompanying delegation Tuesday that Muslims and the Islamic countries enjoy ample capabilities the proper use of which could greatly help promote the Islamic umma as well as the mankind happiness.

Ayatollah Khamenei moreover reaffirmed IRI position in serious terms that cooperation among the Islamic countries must be broadened.

"Colonialist and warmongers have always blocked opportunities of the Islamic umma to utilize its capabilities," the IR Leader said, adding following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran which brought about the spirit of self-confidence in the youths, many advances were achieved in science and technology, an example of which the access to nuclear energy technology.

Ayatollah Khamenei called colonial powers' policy of warmongering in the sensitive Middle East region their artifice to sell their weapons, adding Western countries give weapons to the regional countries in exchange for oil so that grounds are always prepared for war and conflict in the region.
"These (Western) countries carry dark pages of fomenting war and bloodshed in their file of the past 150 years," the IR Leader said.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran stands against war and bloodshed," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding Iran is ready to make its experience and achievements in science and technology available to the Islamic umma.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Islamic countries to trust one another, identify their position in the Islamic front and avoid mistaking the Islamic front for the enemies of Islam's. Ayatollah Khamenei expressed hope the agreements concluded during the Djibouti President's trip to Iran are finalized through follow-up efforts.

During the meeting, with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on attendance, Ismail Omar Guelleh expressed pleasure with his second visit to Iran, adding the two sides enjoy common views on regional and international matters.

"At present, the Islamic Republic of Iran bears the flag of true Islam and stands as the only country to resist against enemies of Islam," Guelleh said.

Guelleh said he and President Ahmadinejad had chalked solutions in their talks to further expand mutual cooperation.
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