The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader expounds on Principlism

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Monday called the current era of the Islamic Revolution exceptional in light of the existing conformity of the cabinet's slogans and goals with the fundamentals of the Islamic Revolution and Imam Khomeini's views, the existing public trust in the Administrative, and the rare glory the Iranian nation and the Islamic system enjoy in the international scene.

"The Administrative must make ultimate use of the existing conditions to materialize its announced goals and slogans," Ayatollah Khamenei told President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his cabinet members adding all those who are sincere to the Islamic Revolution and System are obliged to assist the cabinet.

Marking the birth anniversary of the Imam Hussein (PBUH) and the national occasion of 'Cabinet Week', Ayatollah Khamenei commemorated the memories of the ex-president and ex-prime minister, Martyr Mohammad-Ali Rajayi and Martyr Mohammad-Javad Bahonar and said serving people unwaveringly is among the outstanding features of the ninth cabinet, the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in particular.

Ayatollah Khamenei then expounded on the parameters of the Principlism (*), mainly as justice seeking and striving to dispense justice, adding materialization of justice is a very difficult and multi-faceted task, emerging as justice at the geographical or class levels, justice in economic and cultural affairs, justice in granting posts and portfolios, and justice in making judgment.

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted economic justice "whose necessity is dire owing to the class gap inherited from the dark era of the previous regime in Iran", adding however that justice as well must be conducted logically, within a framework approved by Islam.

Touching on the other parameters of the Principlism, the Honorable Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to establishing intimate relation with God and the Qoran, combating against corruption, commanding ideological and ethical health, feeling dignified by Islam, explicitly expressing Islamic ideas without being overawed, exercising a humble lifestyle, serving the interests of people, being modest and avoiding self-assertion, avoiding waste, practicing prudence and far-sight in making decisions, acting with responsibility and responsively, and dealing assiduously with science and scientific advance.

In this series, the IR Leader also pointed to patience towards dissent, avoiding personal and group selfish desires, giving posts to the deserved persons, supervising the performance of the lower officials and staffs, serving people unwaveringly, striving to administer law, and expressing and acting upon the right stand courageously and resolutely.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the President Ahmadinejad's urgings for making assessment of the one-year performance of the ninth cabinet and said any such assessment must evaluate the strong and weak points without bias and take the views of the sincere individuals into consideration, adding that necessary measures must be taken proportionately.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the cabinet to identify and focus on working priorities. The IR Leader called the national 20-year Vision the approved policies and urged the cabinet to take the Vision into account in drawing policies and planning.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the audience to ally work speed with precision and prudence in decision making and avoid haste. The IR Leader pointed to Presindet Ahmadinjead's provincial tours and described them as source of bounties and hope, urging the cabinet to seriously follow up the promises made to the people during the tours.

Ayatollah Khamenei cautioned the cabinet about the country's limited financial resources together with amassed public demands, urging the cabinet to let people know whenever some of their demands are impossible to meet and not to fan people's expectations, adding the people will definitely accept the argument owing to their trust in the cabinet.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged adopting long terms measures alongside tackling the ongoing public affairs and problems. The Leader also urged using the viewpoints of sincere and faithful experts in every affair.

Ayatollah Khamenei underscored interaction and coordination among the three branches of government, adding the Constitution as well as the duties and authorities stipulated in the national charter (20-year Vision) stand as the cornerstone of how they must interact with one another.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged interacting with inside and sincere elites, using the national administrative capacity, and purifying the immense administrative apparatus, adding the cabinet must reduce its scope of activity as much as possible by virtue of the general policies of the Article 44 of the Constitution, particularly the cluses A and B, except in the governing affairs.

Ayatollah Khamenei also urged the cabinet to follow a distinct model of decentralization based on national census and sectarian and climatic conditions, to pursue combat against corruption and unfazed and prudent fight against financial offences, to preserve national capitals, especially natural reserves and to avoid shallow attitude in drawing cultural affairs.

The Islamic Revolution Leader described further attention to scientific research budget line as key to scientific advance, saying the amount of research budget taken from the Gross National Product (GNP) must grow according to what envisioned in the Fourth Development Plan. In this regard, the IR Leader furthermore urged accelerating the establishment of the Elite Foundation and the Office on science-industry contact, and enhancing the Fund in Support of Researchers.

Concerning the foreign policy, Ayatollah Khamenei urged keeping on the current motivated diplomatic trend and harmonizing international economic activities with the diplomatic apparatus.

"The diplomatic motivated trend must always be objective-oriented, mature and effective," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

(*) Principlism here stands for the socio-politico-religious doctrine derived from the Divine teachings manifested in the holy Quran as well as the words and deeds of the noblest messenger of Allah Hazrat Muhammad and his infallible household, may Allah pray for them.

The doctrine was revived in the contemporary era by the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, being prusued by his successor, the Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei.
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