The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader honors Messenger's mission

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Tuesday called the Devine mission of the noblest Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (S) the greatest human occasion and congratulated the auspicious occasion to the great Islamic umma and the dear Iranian nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the remedy to every trouble and pain of the world of Islam resides in keeping adherence to the aspirations of the last Messenger of Allah to wit not to separate religion and politics and establish the Islamic government to establish justice and carry out edification and education.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks Tuesday addressing people from different walks of life, heads of three branches of government, head of the System Interests Council, civil and military authorities, as well as ambassadors of the Islamic countries in Tehran.

Pointing to the unwavering practice of edification by Hazrat Muhammad prior to his Divine mission era to achieve sublime human perfection, Ayatollah Khamenei said the Messenger (S) did not ignored the demanding full-scale jihad in purifying soul as well as in battlefield even for a moment and eventually established Divine civil society and made the world experience a huge development.

The IR Leader said that the revered Messenger's simultaneous attention to 'politics' and 'education and edification of human beings' proves that in Islam, religion comes in tandem with politics. Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the conduct and performance of the noblest Messenger shows that in the Islamic thought, we are not allowed to cede the politics and administration of society to any guide other than Islam and content ourselves with morality and spirituality.

The honorable Ayatollah Khamenei criticized the deviated idea of the separation of religion and politics, adding certain individuals believe in the Koran's worship but reject its politics, while some others confine Islam in politics, sidestepping morality and spirituality; nevertheless, in views and practice of the Last Messenger (S), 'religion and government' and 'morality and state' originate from a joint source that is to say the Divine revelation and Koran. "The Islamic umma must realize the point and take it into practice. It provides remedy to every pain of the Muslim nations," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic umma definitely needs to establish an Islamic government that in addition to moral and spiritual nurturing of the Muslims provides the ground for their all-out economic, political, scientific and cultural progress and defends their interests in the face of enemies of Islam by relying on the capabilities of Muslim nations.

Ayatollah Khamenei flayed the American President for his recent impudent remarks, adding "this guy speaks as if he is the owner of Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Iran and other Islamic countries. However, if the immense force of the nations is fielded, like what took place in Lebanon, the arrogant will be humiliated and enemies of Islam will find it impossible to continue impudence.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised the late Imam Khomeini for his great service of awakening and fielding the Iranian nation, adding the royal Iran once was the beacon of hope of the global arrogant, nonetheless, it has turned into the flag bearer of the genuine Islam. "If such awakening and presence in the field comes about in all the Islamic countries America and other arrogant entities will find themselves unable to take any action in the face of the huge strength of the nations," the I.R. Leader added.

Pointing to the continued adherence of the Iranian nation and government to Islamic values, Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian nation considers the values as the source of national dignity, sovereignty and progress and stands against those enemies who are bent on putting hurdle in the way of the nation through smear campaign, political hue and cry or economic pressure until it conquers summits of progress at an unconventional speed with God's assistance.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the ever-increasing hatred of the Muslim nations towards America and the Zionists in addition to the willingness of the Islamic countries' youth, intellectuals and independent politicians to revive the Islamic identity and dignity, adding certain individuals charged that Iran sought to forcibly export the Islamic Revolution, nevertheless, at present every one witnesses that the spirit of the Islamic awakening, as the great gift of the Iranian nation's revolution, has been revived throughout the world of Islam and receives boost day by day.
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