The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives academics

Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei called on an audience of university deans and heads of higher education institutes and research centers Monday to strive to grant dominance to knowledge in the society.

Touching upon the objective of the National 20-year Economic Vision, mainly as helping promote Iran's regional scientific position to primary ranks, Ayatollah Khamenei said that a comprehensive scientific map is dire for the country.

The IR Leader urged drawing the map based on a clear-cut timetable and strategy to attain higher levels of modern science and scientific surge.

Ayatollah Khamenei then outlined national scientific privileges as rich human talents, large student population, successful scientific experiments, existence of seasoned teachers, and experiencing new scientific fields.

The Leader described basic sciences and scientific theory-making as the main key to materialize Iranian science production movement, adding the academic centers must move towards nourishing science in the country through promotion of applied sciences and taking needs and demands into consideration.

The Islamic Revolution Leader called the national scientific growth a process for which promotion grounds of scientific growth must be prepared from the very outset of education and continue until after academic levels.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Administration and the High Council of Cultural Revolution must shoulder responsibility to draw the country's scientific growth map. The Leader also called for the provision of the budget the Fourth Development Plan allocates to research sector from the national GDP, adding that unless the budget is provided no scientific growth is possible.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined promotion of science and technology parks in the country. The Leader also cautioned the audience about sidelining quantity-wise growth of academic centers in favor of quality-wise matters, adding balanced approach towards academic disciplines is dire in academic centers whose enforcement is tied to drawing the comprehensive national scientific map.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged founding elite foundation to encourage researchers and create a genuine scientific movement.

Ayatollah Khamenei moreover urged for employment of post-graduates, adoption of applied parameters in addition to scientific parameters in promotion of members of university scientific boards, and sizing up the ratio of post-graduate students to overall students.

"The scientific and ethical milieu of university must prompt students to honor the Iranian scientific heritage and promote national self-confidence," Ayatollah Khamenei asserted.

Ayatollah Khamenei described students' urge to enquiry accompanied with their pure essence as teenage characteristics and student time privileges, urging creating a favorable religious surrounding in university by cherishing the privileges and providing appropriate response to the scientific, religious and ethical demands of the students.

Ayatollah Khamenei called for broadening the political understanding of the students as well as participation of various authentic political currents in university.

The IR Leader urged providing ground for student political currents to broaden their political understanding in addition to scientific growth so that they identify political intrigues and boost faith in national interests, without playing into the hands of outsider political groups.
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