The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader lauds Hezbollah resistence

The Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei in the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali (AS) on Tuseday described the Commander of the Faithfull as the shining star in the sirmament of justice and humanity, calling him the prominent fi gure revered by the world's freemen.

Stressing on Jihad as the main lesson that Imam Ali desired to teach, the honorable Leader reiterated, " Today the most important duty of the Islamic Ummah is Jihad in the path of Allah and efforts to revive the Muslim's self-esteem and their moral, humanitarian and scientific sublimity."

The Islamic Revolution Leader, addressing the huge public gathering of different people strata and Shiite and Sunni scholars , then elaborated on the meaning of Jihad and said," Jihad is not limited to the wartime, it also covers every step taken by Muslims to promote the Islamic Ummah's scientific and religious status as well as unity among Muslims and confrontation to inner temptations."

Ayatollah Khamenei further stated that the current miserable status of the Islamic Ummah is the outcome of ignoring Jihad so that in an auspicious day like 13th of Rajab (the birthday of Imam Ali) the body of the Islamic Ummah is wrapped in blood.

Referring to the ongoing Zionists' atrocities in Lebanon and Palestine and daily killings of innocent children in those countries as the prime problem facing the Muslims, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that this kind of tragedies may one day happen to all Muslim countries, therefore the Islamic Ummah must reserve its unity because the world's powers never observe their interests.

The Islamic Revolution Leader also criticized America and Britain's emboldening stand regarding the Zionist regime's crimes as well as UN's inability adding that, "The next problem in the current circumstances is division among the Islamic States especially indifference of some Arab states which is wrong and harmful."

"Today supporting Hezbollah is obligatory for all Muslims and the Islamic states which remained silent for reservations towards America should realize that America never considers them," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Islamic Revolution Leader then described discord between Shiia and Sunni as the regular tool in the hand of enemies adding that division is the killer poison for the Islamic world and any move which leads to division among Muslims is treacherous.

Ayatollah Khamenei reaffirmed the Islamic Republic of Iran's firm stand towards the problems of the world of Islam adding America, in collaboration with the Zionist regime and some European countries such as Britain, seeks to eradicate Islam from the region because Islam stands up to their interests.

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the Islamic Revolution revived Islamic sentiments in the Muslim world.

The honorable Leader also referred to the Hezbollah's resistence as an example of Islamic dignity and said," The Zionist regime's army, once renowned as an invincible army and having managed to defeat three Arab armies whithin 6 days has yet to win the battle against Hezbollah after nearly a month even if exhasting all possibilities and American military assistence."
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