Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei declared Sunday the general policies of the clause F of the article 44 of the Constitution concerning expansion of non-governmental sectors through ceding activitiy and governmental agencies.
The policies, covering the ceding of 84 percent of the shares of the large governmental factories and agencies, will pave the ground for the materialization of a number of significant economic objectives inclduing accelaration of economic growth and development, administration of social justice, removing poverty, and reaching the objectives of the 20 year vision.
Under the policies, the role of government in ownership and direct management will turn into policy making and supervision.
Moreover, different sections of the economy will integrate in a sophisticated process to conform to global trade regulations.
The policies, covering the ceding of 84 percent of the shares of the large governmental factories and agencies, will pave the ground for the materialization of a number of significant economic objectives inclduing accelaration of economic growth and development, administration of social justice, removing poverty, and reaching the objectives of the 20 year vision.
Under the policies, the role of government in ownership and direct management will turn into policy making and supervision.
Moreover, different sections of the economy will integrate in a sophisticated process to conform to global trade regulations.