The Office of the Supreme Leader

IAEO Officials and Nuclear Experts Meet the Leader

The meeting was held on the sidelines of a visit by the Leader of the Islamic Republic to an exhibition where the nuclear achievements of Iranian scientists had been put on display. During his visit, Ayatollah Khamenei was informed by nuclear experts of the latest scientific achievements of Iranian specialists in the filed of nuclear technology.

Speaking at the meeting, the Leader referred to the glorious scientific campaign of young Iranian scientists that has resulted in their attainment of nuclear science and technology as a historic and epoch-making campaign. He stated that this scientific campaign should strongly proceed and expand in various dimensions.

Ayatollah Khamenei described as a pleasant and unforgettable event his meeting with the young Iranian scientists who have performed a laudable task unparalleled in the Iranian history, thanks to their firm determination and great talent.

"The key to the progress, power and prosperity of any country is science and technology, and any nation that is determined to seal its fate and build its future should get hold of this key," he told the audience.

Further in his statements, the Leader of the Islamic Republic hinted at the great injustice done to the Iranian nation under the Qajar and Pahlavi regimes, which failed to prepare a suitable ground for the fulfillment of potential of the talented Iranian people.

"Today, thanks to the Islamic Revolution, there is an appropriate ground for the flourishing of talents and the country's scientific progress. As a result of these suitable circumstances, our young scientists have managed to fulfill a very great aspiration by relying on their own capabilities and without copying any previous models," he pointed out.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the self-confidence of talented Iranian youngsters and their belief in their capabilities as a great asset to the Iranian nation. He added that the divine remuneration bestowed on Iranian specialists for their scientific endeavors is superior to any material reward, since Iranian scientists have indeed laid the foundations of the Iranian nation's permanent independence and dignity.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Republic stated that the attainment of advanced nuclear science and technology on the part of Iranian scientists and specialists is much more significant than the discovery and extraction of oil in this country. He also touched on the political commotion raised and the negative propaganda disseminated by the West against Iran in this regard.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran would not bow to these pressures, and we consider the continuation and promotion of this scientific campaign to be among our major goals and noble objectives," Ayatollah Khamenei told the audience.

The IAEO director Gholamreza Aqazadeh, also speaking at the meeting, pointed out that Iran has attained a complete nuclear fuel cycle, and he presented a report on the latest scientific achievements of Iranian specialists in the field of nuclear technology.

Aqazadeh further said that the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization has established an academy of nuclear science and technology with several affiliated specialized research centers with the intention of training the young talented workforce.
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