The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives cinema directors

Tehran, June 14 - A group of Iranian cinema directors Tuesday evening held a cordial meeting with the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei and talked about different cinematic, arts, cultural and social issues.

In the beginning of the meeting which lasted 3 hours, 16 directors elaborated on their views and ideas about the issues of their interests. They include Masood Jafari Jozani, Tahmineh Milani, Shahriar bahrani, Mohammad-Reza Aslani, Javad aradekani, Ferey doon jeyrani, Mohammad-Reza Dormanesh, Rasool Sadr-ameli, Javad Shamaghdari, Majid Majidi, Hussein Farrokhi, Ebrahim Hatami Kia, Mohmmad Ali Najafi, Kyanoosh Ayyari, Mohammad Noori-Zad and Ali-Reza Reyisian.

The following includes the main points of their views and ideas:

-Urges for a national decision to form national cinema and create an indigenous structure in the film industry

-Urges for a unified policy room for the production of works of art, including movies

-Further cooperation and exchange of views among officials and movie directors and credit

-Further attention to spiritual and cultural matters in the field of cinema

-Special attention to the theme of "family" in movies

-Extension of the conceptual boundaries of the spiritual cinema

-Avoiding imitation of western and Indian cinemas

-Urges for recognizing cinema as an industry and allocation of necessary facilities to it

-Criticisms about certain views which discourage cinema folks from taking certain themes

-Suggestions about the formation of an intellectual association to produce effective ideas in the field of cinema

-Application of effective regulations in the cultural management of society

-Provision of necessary grounds for the critical and effective tackling of the social acute problems

-Urges for the cinema folks' attention to the revolution's basic issues and achievements

-Criticisms about the attention of certain cinema folks to the desires of the Western festivals' organizers

-Supports for the presence in the festivals abroad

-Urges for due policy making on the presence of the Iranian cinema in the international festivals

-Promotion of cinema theaters

-Giving chances to the young directors and artists

-Campaign against certain clandestine bands in the cinema industry

-Urges for the formation of cinema gilds

-Criticisms about ineffective management of the thematic issues in cinema and tackling the basic social issues and problems

-Criticisms about lack of due planning in the artistic and cultural bodies, and Urges for a long term outlook in the planning for the quality promotion of the Iranian cinema

For his part, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed pleasure with his meeting with the cinema folks and said he sought to be further acquainted with the views of the cinema directors and honor the cinema art and artists.

"The promotion of the national cinema is a tangible need and everyone must realize that the significant and outstanding art of cinema is a necessity for every country," he asserted.

The IR Leader described cinema as a superior, complicated, modern and lofty art, adding that the significance of the art and its effectiveness and influence put a heavy responsibility on the shoulders of the cinema organizers and all the relevant bodies and administrative ranks.

Elaborating on the heavy responsibility of the cinema folks, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the key to the progress of the country is in large part in the hands of the cinema folks, because the organizers of the lofty art of cinema can either promote the s pirit of hope, progress and work, self-confidence and trust in the Islamic and national values in society through the influence of the art and play their great part in the advance of the country or raise a frustrated, disillusioned, and humiliated genera tion which is relying on aliens.

The honorable Ayatollah Khamenei welcomed the responsible and well-wishing criticism about the weak and negative points in movies, adding that such responsible criticisms carry a sweet bitterness, provided they also become apparent in the movies.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed the promotion of religious and national values in movies and the attention of the cinema organizers to the outstanding features of the Iranian nation's efforts in the past 27 years, especially in the Sacred Defense, adding tha t there are many themes to shoot in the Scared Defense that must be delved into and related though the language of art and cinema.

The Leader described religious responsibility and the spirit of humanity as the two key factors to succeed to depict a true image of the society and the country, adding that if a director makes a film through the Devine intention that promotes faith, soc ial order and responsibility, it will attain the Devine remuneration.

Ayatollah Khamenei described different views of the directors that also surfaced in the meeting as the token of the freedom of expression in the Iranian cinema, adding that different factors may cause a faulty approach in the content of a film, therefore the director is not the only person to blame.

Ayatollah Khamenei described movie as the manifestation of the inner cognizance of the director and other elements in the production, adding that one must study whether the related bodies have provided necessary grounds to transfer due and lofty concepts to the directors and then expect them to reflect the concepts. The Leader lamented that little activity has been done in this regard.

Concerning foreign festivals, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the cultural interests of the country is the parameter of the presence in the festivals and in any presence, these interests must be taken into consideration.
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