The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives lawmakers

Tehran, May 28 - Islamic Revolution Leader, His Eminence Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khaemeni Sunday made significant remarks about the current situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran in a meeting with the Parliament Speaker and lawmakers.

Recounting the remarkable conditions of the country regarding beacons of hope and strength of the Islamic Republic system mainly the system's initiating presence in international arena as well as the enemy's passiveness, the dominance of the original Islamic statute as well as the revival of values and slogans of the Islamic Revolution, the rare ongoing integrity in the county, great scientific achievements by the Iranian young talented people, and the expansion of strategic position of the Islamic system among world Muslims, the IR Leader pointed to enemy's desperate moves to overshadow current situation of the Islamic system including provocations to incite sectarian and religious tensions. The leader also made some remarks about cooperation of the three branches of government, urging for preservation of Majlis independent approach along with observing cooperation with other powers.

Ayatollah Khamenei described current situation of the country as rare and likened it to early Islamic Revolution era in terms of basic sources of hope.

"Today, like early on the revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran holds initiative in the field of political transactions while its rivals are holding onto a passive position," the IR Leader affirmed.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on a number of strong points of the system as source of the exceptional conditions of the country, mainly the dominance of the original Islamic statute "which runs unlike what is expected from other revolutions, as the framework and platform (of every revolution) is usually expected to run down in the course of time, but the Iranian people and the elites of the nation demonstrated their true self by voting to the pure values and slogans of the Islamic Revolution, causing enemies, who at some time pinned hope in certain remarks and conducts, to hold onto a passive position."

The IR Leader called diligent and successful efforts of the Iranian youth and their great scientific achievements as another source of hope at the current juncture. Ayatollah Khamenei thanked good efforts made by the former administration to promote scientific matters.

The IR Leader pointed to current unity and integrity in the country and three branches of government as another strong point of the system, adding that all along the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the late Imam (R.A.) and other prominent figures underlined maintaining of unity, however, at some time, dual governing was unfortunately promoted and enemies too promoted the same idea, but it is now integrity among nation, government and all officials that runs the situation.

Ayatollah Khamenei attached high significance to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's provincial visits, adding that nowhere in the world a president receives such a warm reception from such huge masses. "This is a clear example of integrity among nation and authorities," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

As another strong point of the system, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the expansion of the strategic position of the Islamic System in the world of Islam as well as the Muslim nations' ever-increasing welcome to the Islamic Revolution shown during IRI's high-ranking officials' visits to those countries, adding that President Ahmadinejad's letter to the American President was a fine initiative, because initiation, courage and daring others govern the field of international issues.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to a ratification recently passed by the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis) which binds stopping voluntary suspension of Iran's nuclear activities in case of reporting or referral of Iran's file to the Security Council, calling it one of the best ratifications of the Majlis under the Islamic Revolution System.

Concerning the country's nuclear affairs, the IR Leader said that the Iranian young scientists guaranteed the future of the Iranian nation's energy needs in the long run by their great achievement, adding that the trend must not be lost at any price, because any backward movement is equal to one hundred percent loss.

Referring to pressures of big powers and enemies of the Islamic system, Ayatollah Khamenei said that in order to tackle with those pressures, hearts and thoughts as well as the country's general milieu must be consolidated.

Touching on enemies' different ways to pressure the system and people, Ayatollah Khamenei denounced remarks by American and British authorities that they have no problem with the Iranian nation as lies, adding that they only have problem with the Iranian nation, because the Iranian government and authorities are chosen through their votes and those people are standing behind the system and support it.

The Honorable Leader pointed to attempts to provoke sectarian and religious tensions as another approach of enemies and described it as their last straw against the System and people, adding the enemies of the nation have made it clear that they have allocated sums to campaigns against the Iranian nation, but, like in other occasions, via a wrong analysis, they trod a ground that underpins the Revolution and this move too is definitely doomed to failure.

Referring to an elaborate record of the Azerbaijan province during the Mashrooteh constitutional revolution, the Islamic Revolution developments and the after-revolution era, Ayatollah Khamenei asserted that enemies failed to know Azerbaijan, because Azeri people have always proved to be unparalleled in diligently supporting the Islamic Revolution and the country's territorial integrity and independence.

Recounting the early revolution incidents in Tabriz and the well known quotation of the late Imam that "no worry, people of Tabriz will respond to them," Ayatollah khamenei asserted that today, like ever before, people of Azerbaijan and the aware and revolutionary figures of the land will respond to enemy in the best manner and as they proclaimed in their recent rallies, the sacrificing Azerbaijan will not separate from the Revolution.

The IR Leader described the present conditions of America in the region, especially in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, and the failure of the "Great Middle East" plan based on the Zionist regime and the establishment of a Great Middle East based on the Islamic Republic of Iran along with other points of strength and stability of the Islamic System, as tokens of a sensitive juncture in terms of emergence of strong points.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged continuing the right path and holding on the flag of original Islamic statute, cautioning about vanity or negligence, because "the Almighty God has no intimacy with any nation and will punish vain and negligent people."

Meanwhile, the IR Leader praised the Parliament Speaker and lawmakers and described the three branches of government as members of a single association. Ayatollah Khamenei urged further cooperation between the three branches, especially the Administrative and the Legislative, adding that the Islamic Consultative Assembly, while keeping its independent position, must pay attention to certain considerations and the Administrative for its part, must fulfill its obligations toward Majlis so that people experience integrity and harmony among branches of power.

Praising Majlis for avoiding controversial and contentious discussions, Ayatollah Khamenei said that Majlis representatives must act in a way that their performances recall the same slogans people voted for.

The Honorable Ayatollah Khamenei accounted active presence of lawmakers in the parliamentary discussions and commissions and using expert consultation as among their duties and urged for Majlis deputies to pay attention to priorities and people's exigencies in reviewing bills and draft laws.

The IR Leader called on lawmakers to mind their position and the effects of their words and deeds in society, adding that officials and deputies, by Divine assistance and maintaining virtue, must be careful not to be entrapped by worldly whims and desires and not let these affairs overshadow their positions and only mind the Divine consent.
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