The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader warns about empire of media

Tehran, May 16 - Islamic Revolution Leader Tuesday highlighted role of media in forming culture and thought of nations and their identity as well as promotion of ethics and spirituality in society.

"If ethics and virtue govern media management and programming, the conditions of human being will indeed improve and under such conditions media could help make people happy," Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei told media directors and program makers of different countries who are currently in Tehran to attend an international festival of radio programs.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to dual role of media either to improve human life conditions and expand world peace and security or trigger destructive conflicts, spread harmful behavior and spoil nations' identity, adding that media can provide the ground for free and two-sided or multi-sided dialogue among nations and become a means of exchange of cultural and ethical ideas and human lofty values.

Islamic Revolution Leader described world media in the modern era as a one-sided road which serves expectations of owners of an empire of media.

"Nowadays global media are fully monopolized by those who are holding largest weapon-making factories and most destructive atomic bombs and at the same time never desire the establishment of ethical virtues, religion, spirituality and peace," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Deliberating on the one-sided road of global media and role of media in aggrandizing what is expedient to owners of power, the IR Leader said "now, the expedience of holders of wealth and power tells them to instruct their media to consider Islam as equal to terrorism and America as manifest of human rights and democracy. These big lies are instilled into the minds of world people through modern tools and most complicated methods."

Referring to world media harmonious propaganda about particular topics, Ayatollah Khamenei noted that these media all of a sudden make news of bird flu, whose fatalities hardly reach 1000 the world over, their top item, but keep silence about the killing of one hundred and twenty thousand of Iraqi civilian citizens or make a fuss about the deaths of few Zionists in a part of Palestine, but pay no attention to the daily killings of Palestinian Muslims or the formal proclamation of the Zionist regime to assassinate Palestinian activists.

Referring to recent hue and cry over Iranian scientists' nuclear researches, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the expedience of world media-empire tells them to say Iran is seeking to possess atomic weapon though the propagators of the uproar clearly know that this is a lie, however, no news is disseminated in world media about efforts of the scientists of a nation and their possession of the modern technology for peaceful purposes.

Ayatollah Khamenei viewed these realities as chronic problems facing world public media and touched on the absence of true ideas and words of nations in world media as well as big powers' abuse of their unawareness.

"If global media reflect to Western citizens the ideas of the Iranian nation about world important issues such as human rights, religious democracy, role of religion in human life, role of women in social life and views of Islam about women, significant developments will take place and misunderstandings will be mostly removed virtually limiting the scope of discreet of power holders," the IR Leader asserted.
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