The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader honors 'Teachers Day'

Tehran, May 2 - "Education and nurture is the cornerstone of the future of the country," Islamic Revolution Leader told a large group of teachers and educationists Tuesday, adding that if the Iranian people wish to have a bright future and improved conditions, special attention should be paid to education and nurture.

Speaking to a gathering of teachers on the occasion of 'Teachers Day', Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei pointed to educational syllabus of developed countries which includes easy philosophical lessons for children.

The Leader termed the move a new approach to the role of education and nurture in resolving human essential issues.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged dealing with education and nurture through a comprehensive approach, adding that "unless we want to lag behind the global upswing the approach should be adopted."

Ayatollah Khamenei described Ministry of Education and Nurture as the most important productive body. The IR Leader called for deliberate investment in the field, adding however that intellectual investment is more essential than finance.

Ayatollah Khaemeni said that finest and most marked intellects must be called upon to lift Ministry of Education and Nurture from stagnancy and the grip of obsolete and static methodologies so that the ministry would pave the way for a bright future through due planning.

The IR Leader recalled the grim eras of Qajar and Pahlavid dynasties during which the Iranian nation was held backward and said that in order to make for the imposed backwardness, all people should do their best and take on bypass roads to reach the apex of science and advance. He vowed the ascension will be possible taking into account the talent and wit of the Iranian nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that by promulgating justice-oriented outlook in the ministry, stage will be set for relative justice in future and reducing class gap, adding that no justice-oriented outlook will tolerate the existence of underprivileged schools alongside futuristic ones.

"Such outlook solely pays attention to talent, shunning matters of money or region," he noted.

The IR Leader put emphasis on the issue of nurture, underlining that role of nurture in promotion of young generation faith, character, self-confidence, and wit. The Leader called on related officials to pay harmonious attention to both education and nurture in drawing future prospects.

Ayatollah Khamenei criticized poor attention currently paid to the holy Quran in educating and nurturing children, adding that whereas a praiseworthy Quranic movement exists in the society, the ministry has fallen short. The Leader said that ground must be prepared for a fine, fair and effective presence of Quran in various levels of educational system.

The IR Leader also highlighted the role of national teacher training centers in training aware, efficient and professional forces.

The Leader expressed pleasure over his meeting with teachers.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the country at present undergoes favorite conditions the administration follows revolutionary aspirations and essential affairs.

He urged for utilizing the opportunity to revitalize the ministry of Education and Nurture under the invaluable 20-Year Outlook plan.
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