The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader urges neat compilation of Mashrooteh history

Tehran, April 29 - Islamic Revolution Leader, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei called Saturday on national historians to delve into the realities of the Mashrooteh constitutional revolution and study the role of religious scholars in the movement to find answers to why the movement missed its target and, instead played into the hands of British government.

He made the call during a meeting with central board and intellectual committees of the conference on Mashrooteh 100th anniversary which is also sub-titled as Iran's 100th lawmaking anniversary.

The IR Leader urged for examination of Mashrroteh as a source of historical lessons and then compilation of a documented, comprehensive, transparent and precise history book about the event on the same basis.

Expounding on realities of the constitutional revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei said that religious scholars played an undeniable and matchless role in the movement, adding that the prime part that religious scholars had in the movement was the anti-alien attitude they kept as well as their anti-despotism face. The Leader cautioned the audience to take the issue seriously when studying the nature of the event.

IR Leader pointed to the slogans of religious scholars in Mashrooteh era in pursuit of justice and said that the slogans meant far beyond moral expectations.

"The justice intended by scholars in Mashrooteh era, was justice in ruling and the call for the formation of a powerful, influential constitutional body to secure justice in light of Islamic statute and keep a close scrutiny on the ruling system and its ranks," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

IR Leader noted that people at that time again led by religious scholars were willing to see Islamic laws and decrees implemented, adding that during the 14-years movement, British colonialists abused the movement and made use of westernized intellectuals as well as certain men of ruling to gradually remove religious and national aspects of Mashrooteh, on the one hand and incite lawlessness in Iran on the other hand in order to set the stage for absolute despotism and rising to power of Reza Khan.

The Leader blamed the success of Westerners especially Britons at that era on the indifference of certain figures in the justice seeking front.

"Unfortunately, some figures in the justice-seeking front were fooled by remarks of westernized intellectuals and mercenaries of the ruling system and fell prey to pessimism and ignorance which led to schism in the front of justice which Britons abused and swept the reign," the IR Leader lamented.

Islamic Revolution Leader praised the late founder of I.R. of Iran, Imam Khomeini for staying clear of the trap of ignorance and mistakes made in Mashrooteh movement.

"All along, Imam moved directly and exactly towards the goal of the Islamic Revolution," Ayatollah Khamenei said, urging pursuit of the real aim of the Islamic Revolution without any exception.
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