The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives workers

Tehran, April 26 - Islamic Revolution Leader received Wednesday morning thousands of workers from across the country, expressing hope for improvement of their living conditions, social security and other problems of workers community in due time under prudence and serious follow-up of the serving administration.

His Eminence, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei congratulated the audience on the national Week of Workers and admired workers role in various occasions in the past 27 years as praiseworthy and effective.

The IR Leader pointed to the policies set by the administration to resolve problems facing the workers community, urging for officials to transcend words and put measures into action, gradually settling their problems such as job security, provisional contracts and joblessness emenating from mismanagement of certain factory managers.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that under Islam, worker and employer maintain relationship like two colleagues or two partners. The IR Leader ruled out exploitative and instrumentalist attitudes kept by Capitalism and Communism towards workers, adding that under Islam, mutual relations between worker and employer should follow sincerity, affection and appreciation. The IR Leader urged appreciation of rights and respect to both of the two coral elements of advance in the country. Ayatollah Khamenei assigned the Legislative and the Administration to regulate the affair.

Ayatollah Khamenei then expounded on the position of work and worker in Islam, saying that in Islam's views, work is deemed worship as a means to earn a living, but far beyond that, Islam considers work per se as a righteous act and deems it appreciable. "Provided the view governs the country, full scale progress will be secured," Ayatollah Khamenei asserted.

The Islamic Revolution Leader praised the advancing and confident movement of the Iranian nation, adding that the great nation of Iran has weathered various fields of progress and honor and proved seasoned, hence the enemy's rage and confusion.

The IR Leader touched on America's perpetuated intimidation during the past 27 years, adding that American statesmen speak the language of intimidation and threat, but the enlightened and determined nation of Iran and its representative government and officials will shrugs them off.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the Iranian nation and the overall I.R. of Iran as peace-lover, adding that the Iranian nation and the Islamic System never keep hostile behavior to any country. However, he warned Americans to understand that in case they embark on aggression against the Islamic Iran, their interests everywhere possible in the world will be damaged and the Iranian nation will respond to any strike with multiplied power.

Ayatollah Khamenei considered efforts to build Iran as the best and prior form of struggle against enemies. The IR Leader referred to despair on the part of enemies about military confrontation with the Iranian nation as well as their plots to drive wedge in people ranks, urging for everyone busy working everywhere in the vast front of Iran to fulfill duties by further vigilance, seriousness, effort and discipline as well as promoted faith and spiritual motivations so as to frustrate enemy plots.

The meeting began with a report by Minister of Work and Social Affairs on the Administration's measures to promote status of workers community and the country's economy.

Jahromi acknowledged that his ministry aims at optimal use of resources through increasing capabilities of workforce, provision of social security, rationalizing salaries, paving way for boosted investment, fair dispensing of banking facilities among small-scale, short-yield agencies, and regulating of worker-employer relations in a fair and sustainable manner.
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