The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader urges promotion of Army

Tehran, april 19 - Islamic Revolution Leader and Commander-in-Chief, His Eminence Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei recieved Wednesday the IRI's Army Chief and other high-ranking officers.

Ayatollah Khamenei told the audience that motivation and hope are key to progress and accomplishment, adding that any spirit of hope could bring about innovation.

The IR Leader urged for the Army commanders to identify talented and promising personnels and train commanding staff for future. Ayatollah Khamenei also called for promotion of well-trained corps.

Ayatollah Khamenei honored the Army Day and emphasized on upgrading of training and skills within the Army via application of state-of-the-art material, modern approaches and optimal use of all possibilities at hand.

The Commander-in-Chief also put emphasis on the ideo-political assignment of the Army in raising spirituality among personnels and providing neccesary training material to that effect with revised content.

During the meeting, Major General Salehi, the Army Chief, delivered a report about the corps under his command.

He also called for preparedness of the Army's threefold forces.

The General Staff Chief as well as commanders of the Ground Force, the Airforce, and the Navy briefed the IR Leader on their missions.
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