The Office of the Supreme Leader

Arab poets meets with IR Leader

Tehran, April 15 - A number of Arab poets, having attended the third International Conference on al-Qods and Support for the Rights of Palestinian People, recited their poems on innocent Palestinian nation and the holy al-Qods in an intimate meeting with the Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei.

Ayatollah Khamenei considered the meeting as a vehicle to honor al-Qods through expression of affection and feelings and also tabling the Palestinian issue again at the hands of Arab poets and paying more attention to it than ever before.

"In the early years of the occupation of Palestine, many outstanding poems was written about the historic oppression. However, in the recent years, unlike the high position of poetry in the Arabic language, few delicate Arabic poems have been written about Intifada and other sensitive phases of the Palestinian issue," the IR Leader regretted.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the calamities befallen on the Palestinian people at present time and recalled shocking footages shown on television screens which are nevertheless a meager share of the reality. He urged poets to reflect the scenes through poetry so as to make known to posterity the plight of the innocent nation.

Islamic Revolution Leader also referred to the status and role of committed poets throughout the history of Islam and urged honoring them.

Following IR Leader's remarks, a number of poets recited their works. The ceremony ended with congregational dusk and night prayers led by Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei.
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